Ventilation is one of the biggest factors when considering the health of a living environment. Unfortunately, ventilation takes a back seat when winter hits. Instinctively we close the windows and turn up the heat.
Indoor air specialist Richard Walter says allowing a bit of outdoor air may offer a significant health boost during the winter months.
Walter, head of A+ Engineering Construction in Nevada, says building construction has changed in recent years, which means buildings are tighter than ever.
“We live in a ziploc plastic bag, and it’s terrible for our health.”
The solution, according to Walter, is access to outdoor air.
“You need clean air for your lungs. You don’t get fresh air inside your house.”
Walter suggests leaving a window open 2 inches or less in your bedroom every night. It may cost you 10 dollars or more each month, he says, but the health benefits outweigh the extra cost.
In fact, Walter believes we are putting our comfort ahead of our well-being. By limiting our exposure to outdoor air and relying on a thermostat to monitor our indoor air, we add to the level of hazardous contaminants in the form of Volatile Organic Compounds. These VOCs become more active at higher temperatures, causing us to breathe in more toxic substances. Also, the warmer temperatures heighten microbial growth that can breed illness.
Germany is a strong proponent of healthy ventilation and readily encourages open windows in the winter months.
According to one blogger who now lives and works in Germany, the Germans’ “cultural obsession” with fresh air is in stark contrast with the United States.
“In the US, the office buildings that I worked in all had sealed windows. The entire building was closed and kept climate controlled. You couldn’t open the windows even if you wanted to.”
Now living and working in Germany, Andrew Couch sees lots of open windows in the middle of winter. When asked about the cultural difference between the U.S. and Germany, one co-worker quipped,
“Germans need fresh air. Americans need air fresheners.”
It’s never too late to change our habits when it comes to fresh air. Why not invest in a new comforter or a warm pair of socks, and open a window this winter?
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Ah, that it were so simple ! Leaving one window open ( i.e. no cross breeze), unless the wind is blowing favorably in through the window, means that you are letting heat out, not letting fresh air in because hot moves towards cold…
If you are letting hot air out, cold air must be coming in, otherwise there would be a vacuum. The cold air goes in downward and the hot air flows up and out.