Scientists, physicians and educators have come together to urge pregnant women to limit their exposure to wireless radiation.
The BabySafe Project is a joint initiative with the sole purpose of informing pregnant women of the risks associated with wireless technology. The statement signed by more than 70 scholars, physicians, cancer specialists and environmental health experts is excerpted below:
We recognize that the exquisitely delicate systems that direct the development of human life are vulnerable to environmental insults, and that even minute exposures during critical windows of development may have serious and life-long consequences.
We know that the scientific process demands a thorough and exhaustive examination of the possible impact of wireless radiation on health; however, we believe substantial evidence of risk, rather than absolute proof of harm, must be the trigger for action to protect public health.
(View the full statement here and the list of signatories here.)
The two-way communication offered by wireless technology, and the increased radiation needed to support it, brings with it unique health challenges – especially to the unborn. One of the most compelling studies presented by BabySafe Project is the Yale University study connecting cell phone radiation exposure with behavioral problems in the offspring of pregnant mice.
Dr. Hugh Taylor, of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences at Yale University School of Medicine and his team concluded that cell phone radiation damaged neurons in the prefrontal cortex of the brain resulting in hyperactivity and impaired memory.
You’ll see Dr. Taylor in the video below. This is powerful information condensed into 7 minutes.
The good news is that simple lifestyle changes can radically reduce a pregnant woman’s exposure to wireless radiation. BabySafe Project lists these 10 action steps:
1. Avoid carrying your cell phone on your body (e.g. in a pocket or bra).
2. Avoid holding any wireless device against your body when in use.
3. Use your cell phone on speaker setting or with an “air tube” headset.
4. Avoid using your wireless device in cars, trains or elevators.
5. Avoid cordless phones, especially where you sleep.
6. Whenever possible, connect to the internet with wired cables.
7. When using Wi-Fi, connect only to download, then disconnect.
8. Avoid prolonged or direct exposure to Wi-Fi routers.
9. Unplug your home Wi-Fi router when not in use (e.g. at bedtime).
10. Sleep as far away from wireless utility meters (i.e. “smart” meters) as possible.
The BabySafe Project lists these suggestions in the free downloadable brochure “What You Should Know About Wireless Radiation and Your Baby”. You’ll find the information both understandable and practical. (And applicable to all of us.)
I have slowly incorporated these changes in the last year. How I wish I had known sooner! Why not help spread the word and let friends and family know about the BabySafe Project!
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These are some really great tips to keep in mind! After reading your last article on the radiation that comes from wireless phones there is no way I would want to subject my child to that.
Wow this is really great info. I wish I had know more about this. Thanks for sharing this.
Really great article. I bet most of these suggestions apply to everyone.
Wow, thanks for the information and the list of ways we can reduce our risk. What occurs on trains etc to worsen the effects? Thanks, Andrea!
Great question, Megan!
Moving vehicles are constantly moving from one signal to intensifying the radiation. Trains are metallic which adds to the issue. Elevators are very closed in and therefore tax the body in the same way.
Wow, this is really great information! Wish I had known this when I was pregnant!