Is there a connection between mold toxins that flourish in a water damaged indoor environment and electromagnetic radiation?
Electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) are invisible areas of energy, often referred to as radiation, characterized by wavelength or frequency. These fields are categorized as follows:
1. Non-ionizing
Low-level radiation which is generally perceived as harmless to humans, but increasingly shown to be otherwise. (See my previous post From Wireless to Wired – My Family’s Journey and The BabySafe Project.)
2. Ionizing
High-level radiation which is known to cause cellular and DNA damage.
The focus of this article is on our everyday exposures to non-ionizing radiation through electric appliances, home wiring systems, and wireless internet services. (As pictured above.)
Is there a connection between non-ionizing radiation and bio-contaminants such as those found in indoor mold and Lyme Disease?
The research is fascinating on this topic. At the forefront is Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD., PhD., noted for his successful treatment of neurological illness and chronic pain. In the 5 minute video below, Dr. Klinghardt talks about a mold plate experiment which compared a mold plate shielded from electromagnetic fields to an unprotected mold plate exposed to ambient electromagnetic fields.
The unprotected mold plate showed a dramatic increase in the number of biotoxins produced – more than 600 times! Dr. Klinghardt concludes that indoor mold contaminants as well as other biotoxins (such as those found in Lyme Disease), are highly sensitive to electromagnetic fields. EMFs therefore easily step up neurotoxin production and have a major impact on the immune system.
Note that Dr. Klinghardt points out cell phone radiation in one cubic inch of air is millions of times higher than it was ten years ago.
(While the caption is in German, the content is in English.)
Dr. Thomas Rau, medical director of the Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland, shares his assessment of the microbial connection with EMFs in an interview featured on the website Electromagnetic Health. Not only do the artificially produced electromagnetic waves cause toxic mold to grow faster, they suppress the production of beneficial microbes.
We have more organisms than cells in our bodies. Cultures of normal human endogenous bacterial cultures grow much less when exposed to EMR. They grow less when they are around a mobile phone, a tower or cordless phone.
Growing less good bacteria in your body means you will have an overgrowth of bad bacteria that can result in things like Lyme’s disease. Especially from the east coast of the USA, we have many patients with Lymes. Antibiotics only make it worse. We look how the good flora responds and how they grow, recolonise. We have to reimplant the good bacteria. Within six weeks the Lyme’s patients get well or much better.
Toxic mould in homes grows much faster under the load of high electromagnetic loads. They grow much faster in a disturbed milieu. Mercury / heavy metals can also exacerbate the growth.
There are other studies that highlight the connection between electromagnetic radiation and microbial multiplication.
- Researchers at NYC’s Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University found evidence that certain types of fungi have the ability to use radioactivity as an energy source for growth. (Read more here.)
- Russian scientists report that EMR induces growth in a certain yeast strain. (See Effect of Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation on Psychological Features of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Strain UCM Y-517.)
- A completely different study shows a similar relationship between this strain and EMR. (See Preliminary Results on the Non-Thermal Effects of 200-350 GHz Radiation on the Growth Rate of S. Cerevisiae Cells in Microcolonies.)
The Implications
What does this mean when it comes to electromagnetic fields and microbial growth? Since the government is soft on both EMR and toxic mold, unfortunately it is up to us to take charge of our environment.
1. Eliminate mold from the home
Most homes today are built with drywall, which consists of cellulose. Cellulose is the ideal “food” for mold, causing the spores to multiply rapidly. Therefore, it is imperative to eliminate water damage from the home. If flooding or a water leak occurs, quick action is required. If the water intrusion is extensive, radical action is sometimes necessary. If mold is an issue in your home, learn more in the article A Beginner’s Guide to Toxic Mold.
2. Reduce electromagnetic field exposure
While this is a complex issue, thankfully there are numerous ways to reduce our exposure. Dr. Kinghardt as well as those in the field of Building Biology advise everyone, whether immune compromised or not, to create a sleep sanctuary. This involves sleeping away from devices and appliances, shutting off power to the bedroom, and turning off the Wi Fi at night. For more specifics and a complete explanation, see the International Institute for Building Biology and Ecology’s free downloadable article Creating a Sleep Sanctuary – Reducing Electrosmog, as well as my post Sleep, Melatonin, and Electronic Devices.
As a certified Building Biology Practitioner I have been working diligently to reduce our EMF exposure in our home. Learn more about our effort in the previous post From Wireless to Wired – Our Family’s Journey.
I believe the wireless revolution is wreaking havoc with our immune systems. Thankfully knowledge is power when it comes to our health. Understanding the connection between microbial growth and electromagnetic radiation is a critical part of a complex puzzle.
I had read about this before and was aware of it, but your article brings out a lot I hadn’t heard of. I appreciate your hard work and willingness to share this important information with the world.
Thank you, Andrea!
I always appreciate your support, Angela.
Very interesting and I think very true in our case…
Getting ready to do a post on this, Veronica. This is very exciting to see. Thanks for sharing.
I worked in a Water Damaged Building (WDB) which led to mould hyphae and fungus spore inhalation. Upon realisation it was the building causing my horrid symptoms, I left. Symptoms such as chronic coughing, etc. dissipated almost immediately. However, I was left with hypersensitivities, in particular to EMF/Low ironising radiation, electrical hypersensitivity (EHS) of which I had no doubt had been induced by the mould/fungus inhalation. Firsthand experience followed by common sense told me there was a link. This was met with ignorance and denial. Over time I found many others who’s EHS began following mould/fungus spore exposure. While attempting to recover I moved into a brand new building that made us and most of the new arriving tenants sick with radiation type symptoms. Just after we all moved in earlier this year, many apartments in the building quickly went putrid with mould and fungus spores following wet weather and storms. Radiation type symptoms as well as mould and fungus spore proliferation got worse as each new tenant moved in. After several months and going through a long list, process of elimination of what could be causing this, it was realised that the block was littered with dozens of smart meters. Each new tenant moving in meant another one of these very dangerous devices was fired up. This explained why each new arrival caused symptoms to flare and further proliferation so quickly of mould and fungus. Experience and logic led me to find research confirming the unhealthy alliance of these two dangerous things. Those making squillions on these death devices don’t care about the babies, children, adults and families health this is ruining. But perhaps when property owners and investors, home owners, landlords, etc. get wind of the fact that their properties are rancid with mould, leading to either very expensive and/or irreversible damage, tenants, etc. moving out. All that will eventually be followed by many lawsuits being thrown at them. When they realise those who have deployed these radiation emitting smart meters and other mould and fungus proliferating devices in and around their properties, are the ones who are actually responsible for ruining their homes and/or very expensive investments, they will seek compensation and this will bring about some change.
Thanks for taking the time to share your experience and observations. Very interesting about the bank of smart meters!
I had no idea that mould was linked to/with emf exposure, do you think that using something like this on mould may be helpful at all?
Yes Andrea and thank you for all you do to help so many.
I think it also important to mention that the majority of tenants spoken to also noticed that they did not feel major effects until around 3 weeks after moving in.
Many didn’t notice severe enough symptoms to link a problem to the building until they had their communications provider, which was usually around the three week mark after moving in, connect Wi-Fi, etc.
Those who do not have Wi-Fi or many smart meter intermingling devices are experiencing a less severe problem through to minimal problems, but still noticing something amiss, due to being bombarded by their neighbours intermingling devices and the overall block which is smart metered and wifi’d throughout.
Another going consensus throughout the block is that when we/they cook or heat in their apartment, the symptoms become much worse, often unbearable and sometimes leading to hospitalisation.
Could this be non-ironizing radiation which is massive through this apartment block and which we know is very dangerous no matter what the dark side says, leading to the ironizing form due to heat?
One tenant who was taken to hospital again last week for the third time since moving in, was abused by the medics who picked him up in the ambulance for explaining he was being poisoned by radiation from the smart meters and Wi-Fi etc. in the apartment block.
His wife is so sick she has since left to live with their daughter. Numerous tenants are moving out and/or being silenced by the ignorant dangerous medical fraternity, or the landlord, who has rang around and told the tenants to cease comparing symptoms and problems with other tenants and not to continue to fill out a symptom list that has been handed out, or they would be made liable.
Leaving the tenants exactly where the energy and communications providers want them, muzzled and now too scared to speak out.
I am sorry to hear all of this, Jodie. I understand those who have decided to flee. Something is terribly off in this community. There are other electrical factors that could be involved as well. The problem is that it’s all hidden until we see the effects manifested in human health issues.
imo, the secondary anaphylaxis from the EMFs is delayed several week and much more severe than the primary ana– which may be tachycardia, headaches, burning, aggitation, etc.
Great article! But when I clicked on the link for the interview transcript, it said “page not found.” Could you please try relinking that? Thanks!
I took out the link. I’m not sure what happened to that website. You can listen to the interview here.
my name is Andrea Cochell, I have experienced this in great forms, as I have an auto immune deficiency. Doctors ignore my thoughts and say it’s bacterial, August of 2014, all of my electronics stoped working, when I would rouch metal, it rusted. I seen spots black and clear for a long time, this is how I know it’s acting up, the black spots from my eyes go downwards to the ground. Clear “bubbles go towards the sun.. I’ve literally been magnetically pulled into a metal bumper and caused an accident. All of my outlets hang from my walls, I believe I’ve had this my whole life, stress worsens it, as well as sugars and carbs. The extent I go through to get through my day is tremendous. I work full time, I constantly feel as though I’m possibly making others physically ill, have you found fthis to be possible? Also I know without tests that I’ve had and deal with Malassezia yet have no insurance or docs in the U.S.A that are willing to confirm. I appreciate the hard work. FYI.. tea tree oil and antifungles help. As well as bactrim for breakouts. I hope this keeps your hard work moving ahead, as I know it’s great to read tthat I’m not alone, and don’t have the money or time to commit to your studies! Thank you!
Andrea, wow. I have the same thing. down to the the black and clear dots in my eyes. for 2 years now I have been 100% sure that these are causing my problems or a part of them, but the medical professionals do not listen or believe me. I make others sick around me. It greatly affects my children’s health. I also have strange problems with all my apliances as well as my neighbors going out prematurly when im around. I know it sounds crazy but it’s all true. thank you for posting. pleaee feel free to message me with any information or help. thank you.
Sorry to hear this, James. Feel free to email me directly
Do you know where I could find the study that Dr. Klinghardt was speaking of, where the mold grows 600% faster when exposed to RF?
This post may have more info
Hi ANDREA and thank you for the great well researched articles. A close friend and I are both sensitive to EMF radiation. We both get so ill we can’t leave our homes. She suffers more from burning skin sensations and painful rashes as well as swelling. I get unbearable head pain, vertigo and tinnitus, and more recently blood noses. We both had MRI scans done last year at separated times and both our scans came back with the same abnormalities as “10 adult patients with electromagnetic hypersensitivity underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) brain scans. All scans were abnormal with abnormalities which were consistent and similar. They proposed that fMRI brain scans be used as a diagnostic aid for determining whether or not a patient has electromagnetic hypersensitivity. In the research they also noted that…”Many of our patients also had a history of exposure to potentially neurotoxic chemicals, especially mold”. I’ve had to move house because of mould. see link
All the best Vicki
Wow, thank you so much for sharing this, Vicki. So sorry to hear but I really appreciate you taking the time to share your story.
Would these fungi that seem to thrive on electromagnetic radiation not have one particular frequency or group of frequencies that have the opposite effect and reduce their growth or kill them? Has any research or experimentation been done in this field and if so what were the results.
Excellent question! Not sure on this but makes sense.