Cell towers blanket the globe. The United States is home to more than 300,00 cell sites. They appear innocent. But are they?
Cell towers are the base stations that control mobile phone communication. They may or may not be clearly visible in your neighborhood. Sometimes they are disguised as cacti, trees, or even flags.

A Google search shows an array of cell tower disguises.
Because we can’t see, feel or smell the electromagnetic radiation coming from a cell tower (or cell site which includes towers, antenna masts and other base station forms), it’s hard to believe there is any potential for harm.
In fact, the Federal Communications Commission, our government’s regulating agency, has made sure health concerns aren’t addressed when cell tower applications are considered. According to the Telecommunications Act of 1996,
“No State or local government or instrumentality thereof may regulate the placement, construction, and modification of personal wireless service facilities on the basis of the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions to the extent that such facilities comply with the Commission’s regulations concerning such emissions.”
(Localities are permitted to reject a cell tower if the tower is deemed unsightly, which is one reason for the disguises.)
The wireless industry has relied on this legal favoritism, banking on consumer trust in government oversight. After all, wouldn’t we know if cell towers (or cell phones) are unsafe?
The Hidden Health Effects of Cell Towers
The FCC and a Congressional Challenge
The FCC already agrees that cell tower workers may be injured by these fields because of the proximity. While the FCC position is solely based on thermal effects of non-ionizing radiation, it is clear the agency agrees that cell tower workers may be at risk of adverse health effects (emphasis mine):
Studies have shown that environmental levels of RF energy routinely encountered by the general public are far below levels necessary to produce significant heating and increased body temperature (References 32, 37, 45, 46, 48 and 54). However, there may be situations, particularly workplace environments near high-powered RF sources, where recommended limits for safe exposure of human beings to RF energy could be exceeded. In such cases, restrictive measures or actions may be necessary to ensure the safe use of RF energy.
How well is the FCC monitoring these levels? Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut and Rep. Anna Eshoo of California believe the FCC has dropped the ball when it comes to monitoring and regulating the safety of cell towers, especially when it comes to cell site workers. The lawmakers issued a challenge to the FCC on September 17, 2015,
Excessive exposure to RF radiation leads to well-documented potential harms, especially to workers who spend time near the antenna and in the line of the antenna’s beam. At sufficient power levels and exposure durations, RF radiation has the ability to heat biological tissue. Thermal effects can include eye damage, sterility, and cognitive impairments.
We urge the FCC and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to work together to enforce exposure limits and ensure wireless carriers are taking the required precautions to protect the safety of all persons who may be exposed to dangerous levels of RF radiation near wireless towers.
If the FCC agrees that cell tower workers are at risk, and two members of Congress are concerned enough to issue a reprimand, what does this say about the overall safety of cell sites?
Studies That Demonstrate a Health Risk
The World Health Organization officially classifies electromagnetic radiation a possible 2B carcinogen. (The same category as lead, DDT, and styrene.)
The following studies suggest short-term and long-term health risks within 300-400 meters of a cell tower. (Less than three-tenths of a mile)
This is a compelling survey of 270 men and 260 women showing changes in symptoms in relation to cell tower proximity. Note the decrease in reported headaches the further from the cell site.
Researchers measured blood levels of serotonin and melatonin in 25 participants before and after the activation of a new cell site. There were unfavorable changes in almost all participants.
Researchers discovered a threefold increase in cancers after five years exposure to microwave radiation from a nearby mobile phone mast transmitter compared to those patients living further away.
- France Questionnaire (2003)
Researchers in France found significant health effects on people living within 300 meters of mobile phone base stations. Fatigue, sleep disturbance, headaches, concentration problems, depression, memory problems, irritability, cardiovascular problems, hearing disruption, skin problems, dizziness, etc.
(For a comprehensive list of studies linking cell towers to adverse health effects, see Electromagnetic Health.)
As noted above current FCC regulations are based on thermal effects. Thanks to the BioIniative Report 2012 we now have a compilation of more than 1800 studies showing biological effects from non-ionizing radiation.
In May 2016, the U.S. government released preliminary findings for a $25 million rat study linking cell phone radiation to cancer. See NTP Study: Cell Phones and Cancer.
The Implications for You and Me
What does this say about schools, homes or offices located in a cell tower vicinity?
I recently measured the radiofrequency fields near a cell tower 5 miles from our home. The tower hovers over an Ace Hardware store and equipment rental company. Several housing developments are nearby.
I recorded the following video over a period of four minutes. I watched for unusual spikes.
The level went as high as 1827 mw/m2. The Institute for Building Biology recommendations for sleeping areas suggests that anything above 1.0 mw/m2 is of “extreme concern”.
Our home has an average RF level of .0005 mw/m2. (Our RF levels went down after we transitioned away from Wi-Fi. See From Wireless to Wired – Our Family’s Journey.)
Action Steps
1. Locate nearby cell towers
Check the website Antenna Search. Type in your address to see results for existing towers, pending cell towers, and antennas.
2. Monitor your health
If you are in proximity to a cell tower, take note of any health changes. Are you experiencing frequent headaches, sleep disturbance or fatigue? (Fatigue is a huge symptom of RF exposure. Learn more about symptoms in the article Landmark Cell Tower Study.)
3. Measure your environment
The best way to see if a nearby cell tower is impacting you is to measure the RF in your environment. Distance is not necessarily the dictating factor. Issues include weather, humidity, obstructions (mountains are excellent obstacles), the number of antennas, beam pattern, cell traffic, and more.
RF meters are readily available online. I have the Cornet meter as seen in the video above. It sells for $139 and measures magnetic fields as well as radio frequencies. (Purchase the meter at Just So Natural Products.)You’ll find a wide selection of RF meters at the website Less EMF.
4. Minimize exposure in the sleeping area
Our bodies are far more sensitive to all forms of electromagnetic radiation during sleep. The first step is to reduce the exposures we can control. Turn off your router at night, remove cordless DECT phones and keep your cell phone far away from your head. (For more suggestions see Sleep, Melatonin and Electronic Devices.)
Shielding is an option when RF levels remain high after taking the above actions. Grounding paint and shielding fabrics are available at LessEMF.org.
(Be sure to power off/eliminate all wireless devices in the room you are shielding to avoid aggravating the situation. Shielding is a complex issue and may require the help of an experienced electrician.)
Perhaps the best course of action is to ask questions about the alleged safety of cell towers and cell phones. The wireless industry has everything to gain from uneducated and overly trusting consumers. Let’s not compromise our health, or the health of future generations, with an unwillingness to challenge the status quo.
Further reading:
Biological Effects from Exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation Emitted by Cell Tower Base Stations and Other Antenna Arrays, by B. Blake Levitt and Henry Lai
Electromagnetic Radiation Safety – Cell Tower Health Effects This is an informative website offered by Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D., a leading activist in this field.
International EMF Scientist Appeal More than 200 scientists from 39 countries are calling on the World Health Organization and the United Nations to adopt more protective exposure guidelines in the face of increasing evidence of risk.
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I have seen those “trees” but none near us that I know of. We do have a Smart Meter right outside our bedroom wall though, and we sleep against that wall. We rent, so there’s not a whole lot we can do about it. I didn’t know there were Smart Meter shield options though. Thanks for sharing this Andrea.
Yes, some of the shielding options are quite affordable and simple, Emily. I understand the rental issue!!
You can buy shielding fabric or shielding paint to put between you and the smeter. Be careful that you won’t be doubling your exposure to another device from the opposite direction, though.
Hello Emily, They are putting smart meters in my neighborhood and I simply paid a fee to keep one from being put in. If they already had done it, I could pay a fee to remove it. They also will charge a monthly fee to have to physically read the “safe” meter (don’t call them dumb meters, call them safe meters please). I am not happy with the extra fees but my health is worth it. Otherwise I would pay for treating myself for cancer later.
Unfortunately, very few states allow an “opt out” even if you are willing to pay extra or claim a medical issue. We are in PA and have been fighting acceptance of these meters through the Inpower Movement. So far, little to no success; some folks have had their power turned off if they refused to allow installation of the meter on their home. I have spent $$$$ to make my home safer and it has helped a little. Biggest thing: turn your wifi off and hardwire your computer. Please know that you must go through several steps to get to the wifi on/off within your computer – it’s a pain. Also, stop using cell phones (put in airplane mode and turn off) except in an emergency and never sleep in a room that has a meter on the wall (inside or out.)
Andrea, my husband and I suffered serious health issues from a Smart Meter that also was on the outside of our bedroom wall within 3 feet of where we slept for 6 years till we made the connection with the Smart Meter. About a year or more after it was installed I broke out with hives the episodes of which became closer together over those six years till they became chronic. My husband seemed to age overnight and we both came down with chronic fatigue. After all sorts of tests the doctors decided that I had some sort of autoimmune or mast cell disease. My husband was actually hit harder because he had also been installing Wi-Fi the last 3 years of his employment. So without being aware of it he was exposed during the day and at night while he slept. He now has the beginnings of Parkinson’s. The same day we learned of its dangers we found out how to screen the Smart Meter and reduce most of the radiation and we bought filters for our outlets to eliminate the extra dirty electricity. Since then we got our meter replaced with a mechanical or analog meter. It cost us $150 and they said they would charge us $45 more each month. Fortunately our bill has not gone up. (Yet?) My hives are gone!!! But my husband was hit harder and we don’t know how much permanent damage has been done. We are always being damaged internally by overexposure to EMFs and may not be aware of it until it is too late. Don’t wait get that Smart Meter off your house!! for further help visit the Building Biology Institute”s website and ENTrust.org.
Thank you so much for sharing your story, Diane!!! I really appreciate it.
Thanks for the info. I had no idea!
Whoa. I had no clue they ‘hid’ them. Totally scary.
Wonderful research and information, Andrea; thanks. I pinned this. We are looking for land and will keep your warning as words of wisdom as we choose our spot! I’m thankful, too, for fabric shields that can canopy one’s bed, when all else fails!
Thanks Megan. A land hunt sounds exciting!!!
I have noticed that these cell towers are being placed even out in the country living. I went out like 40 miles out in the Country farm living and I was surprised to see some installed directly over farms and in small towns. Literly there is no where to move to. I have a cell tower right across the street and it sure is giving me frequent Heart Palpitations, Dizzy Spells, Memory lapses, Depression, Anxieties, Tiredness.
Research Green Bank, WV
Wow. I had no idea they hid them either. Why is that even necessary? Unfortunately we have one pretty close to our apartment. Reading your post just reminded me of that. I am so guilty of keeping my cellphone on my nightstand while I sleep, although I put it in airplane mode last night. Not sure if that helps. I definitely need to take measures to purify my surroundings from all the electronics!
Elaina, airplane mode makes a big difference. You want to turn off the Bluetooth as well. Every little bit makes a difference.
They hide them because they are ugly. Everything is not some sort of conspiracy. Also, the intro to this article highlights the lack of attention to detail and the fact that the article is written from a biased non-professional
In fact, the Federal Communications Commission, our government’s regulating agency, has made sure health concerns aren’t addressed when cell tower applications are considered. According to the Telecommunications Act of 1996,
“No State or local government or instrumentality thereof may regulate the placement, construction, and modification of personal wireless service facilities on the basis of the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions to the extent that such facilities comply with the Commission’s regulations concerning such emissions.”
This is a provision written into the act which is intended to “pre-empt” any state or local government from legislating in regard to this sort of subject matter. Given the interstate commerce clause, and interpretive case law, communications is a subject solely under the control of the Federal government. If Congress does not insert this sort of language, we will have some podunk little town trying to pass a zoning ordinance to keep out a cell phone towner. Can’t do that, any more than a small municipal government can ban fracking. That is up to the state government.
I will qualify my remarks above by pointing out I am a left wing, tree hugging liberal; however, I do not see a governmental conspiracy behind everything related to business development and the government.
So we are doomed to suffer the health consequences because of Cell Towers in our backyards????
Building Biology focuses on the sleep area, so there are ways to shield your sleeping area. More in this post:http://it-takes-time.com/2015/07/31/sleep-and-technology/
Cannot regulate “on the basis of the environmental effects”
But how about effects on people? Isn’t that different than “environmental”?
I’ve worked on cell towers for 9 yrs now and what’s crazy is I have had to work in dangerous conditions and have been on live towers for more than 24 hours at a time …I’ve been physically drained and mentally unfit to safely work but I had to in order to keep my job but If there is a osprey , eagle, owl or other protected or endangered species of bird living on the tower I’m not allowed to climb it…don’t you dare disrupt their life , nest or safety but screw the climber …?????????????? But it is what it is ….
So true, Brandon that sometimes our concern for animals outweighs our care for humans. Have you noticed adverse health effects from your job? I’d be interested to hear.
I the two blocks from one disguised as a tree. 5 Neighbors in 5 months have died recently. The car’s been up for approximately five years now I have only been living here for 2 years. Two young children live at the base in Oakley California. I’m very worried about what the future holds for this planet and about how the government is encouraging all of this. Very sad.
Yes, I agree. I too am concerned about our future. That is startling about the deaths in the neighborhood.
Well, now there is 6 or 7 if you count the neighbor who passed late last year. So sad. I cant afford to move.
You might consider some type of shielding for your sleeping area.
Found 1 less than a 1/4 mile from home
In a public storage facility lot. Its surrounded by its own concrete enclosure
I zoomed in on it. Says Radio Frequency clear chioce powered by strikesorb
Making videos for youtube on it now
Thanks for this info
I will mention it in my vid
Im also going to check on my neighbors whos houses are on the block directly across from the tower.
I have an old unused AT&T tower which just started to get converted to a Cell tower on the abutting property. Tower is less than 250′ from my home. Where do I go to get base-line radiation level readings taken before any equipment is installed? This is in Maine.
The Cornet Meter or Acoustimeter would be good. I would contact http://www.lessemf.com and ask them for their recommendation. They readily answer these types of questions.
This is very true.
I am a twenty six year old young man with health complications including depression and stomach problems for no apparent reason.
I’ve for three occasions try to commit suicide due to the pains and heat in the body which have not subsided for the past five years.
In fact I am still in health crisis which has forced me to defer my program at the university.
These towers are more than demonic.
I’m so sorry to hear this, Richmond. I appreciate you sharing your story.
I just had to make a drive down on the I 95 from the Washington DC area down to Columbia South Carolina for work and no exaggeration, I must’ve seen at least 30 of these ridiculous cell towers along the way, and now I’m in my hotel room and I look out the window and What do you know, a cell tower is right outside my window! We can’t get away from these things!
Yes, they surround us don’t they? Thanks for chiming in, Paul.
And now word is that cell companies are going to start deploying 5G towers with the goal of getting the whole country covered with even faster data speeds, stronger building penetration, and coverage of all rural areas…. We don’t need this, honestly it’s overkill! But as long as people are buying phones and paying their phone bills making these phone companies rich, they will not Stop.
What can we do to protect ourselves from this radiation, I am still trying to find out how.
Our entire city Cody Wy has been destroyed by dozens of towers all around the residents. 100s complaining about headaches, ear pain and pressure, ear ringing, sleep deprovision, neck pains head problems like migraine and cluster headaches Many describe a burning sensation in brain, ears feel like a middle ear infection and docs are clueless and prescribe opioids for pain and antibiotics for ears. Still many others and I mean a lot as young as in their twenties walking around with hearing aids to try and stop the ear-brain ringing caused from these towers.
This has become not only for residents but as a high traffic tourist town to Yellowstone park very unsafe. MS, Parkinson’s and cluster migraine headache suffers as well as excess amounts of cancer are many times higher per population than other towns in the USA.
Many towers have been placed on private land to bypass certified FCC standards, OSHA regulations and proper other numerous safety requirements.
I would strongly encourage the folks to stay clear. In fact on many occasions in Yellowstone Park OSHA and FCC have been involved from levels more than 9 times higher the government regulations which have resulted in permanent hearing loss, damage, MS, Parkinson and many cardio vascular issues as well
In fact do to big money this fight has been going on over a decade plus and is all public records.
I wonder if you are located in DC area or nearby states – as I would love to connect!
Here is my humble comment on the topic:
I happen work with magnetic fields in my line of business – doing mitigation and prevention. The issue is complicated – mainly by the generally acknowledged status quo that all low-voltage devices are incapable of producing harmful magnetic radiation. NOTHING FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH. Truth here is obscured by years (decades) of few factors in existence: (1) business/economy development push (2) lack of good studies and research (exception Germany – look up Commission 12, government body there but also a very credible Building Biology & Ecology Institute in U.S. – which brought much of the German research) (3) perception problem of the public where we tend to believe the authorities sometimes a bit too much and when something gets revoked as unsafe – that would a be bit too late for our health…
Few rhetoric questions: why every Swiss citizen received an extensive government booklet/publication regarding electro-smog and how to protect yourself? why hundreds of schools in France banned any wifi signal in their schools and saw increase in learning results and overall health and kids’ behavior problems decreased? Why every kinesiology test perfromed on EMF active device shows it is not safe for us? These questions multiply into thousands now – when the public awareness grows.
Even if we admit there is a legitimate concern which calls for verification we should apply principle of prudent avoidance (actually our federal government’s official position since about a decade).
Will be happy to weigh in more or answer more questions. Also am doing home or office EMF sweeps to show how much EMF exposure is there and can advice what to do with it.
I live in Arizona, not the DC area. I sure appreciate your feedback!
Andrea, it would be interesting to know which arguments are successful against cell tower implementation in neighborhoods. Do you have any information on this topic?
I don’t have experience directly with this, but this group successfully blocked a cell tower in LA. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lasMS2SuAeI
I have been having headaches and a lot more of the symptoms described above . I wanted to see you look at the Internet to see if there was information about it and I found this . I live in a seven story building and I live on the fifth floor and on the roof is packed full have cell towers and other things. my headaches are getting worse and worse . I am relieved to know that this may be the cause instead of not knowing at all.
Good job making this connection, Amber! You’re right – better to know than not know.
Im pretty surprised by some of the claims made here in this article.
My name is John, i was a tower climber/ tower crew foreman for 11 years with a specialty in cellular diagnostics. (Look me up on FB” JohnnyBoston”
Ive built cell sites, tv and radio broadcasts, and communications towers in over 35 states across an 11 year span. from the canadian border in maine and VT to Marathon FL half way to Key West, from Northern Michigan to Dallas Texas, Oklahoma, up and down the Mississippi river. If youve been in midtown manhattan, Foxwoods, Boston, Anywhere on 91 or 84 in CT youre using a site i built.
Im more than familiar with Non Ionizing Radiation, and EME.
I find the study posted above hard to believe as they reference “structures” within 10 meters of a “base station”. I have never in all my years of experience see any residence within 100 Meters of a RAD CENTER. Elevation alone holds most transmitter at least 30 meters off the ground at a minimum, and a perimeter fence around any cell tower is going to give you at least
Although i largely agree with the effects of EME and Non Ionzing radiation, ive been up 1200 feet in the sky, with an ambient temperature of 1 degree at 2 am with 15-20 mph winds putting the temp in the negative, sweating from Non Ionizing radiation. Disoriented, fatigued, this happens routinely when trouble shooting one site that is within 15′ of another.
Good work spreading knowledge on the topic, more people need to be aware, and skeptical. I always told my crew of climbers that 70 years ago people said asbestos was harmless and then thousands died of mesothelioma, silicosis, its important to note that since the inception of cell service, radios have been moved up top from base stations and average between 80-120 watts a piece, per technology, per sector.
The biggest sites to worry about are those (and ive built more than i can remember) atop of schools, churches, and apartment buildings. I had a few Verizon sites in which the RF engineer had a downtilt request on antennas that literally had RF blasting down into the roof of the building right into a few apartments. people on their couch would be maybe 20 feet from an antenna face.
Cant be healthy.
Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, John. I so agree with the asbestos comparison!
We live in the country outside of Little Rock, AR. About 25 years ago the federal government purchased an acre of land next to us and built a very large microwave tower. Not a cell tower. This thing has 2 coned disc approximately 20ft in diameter. Then a few years later they added a smaller tower to the site. That same year a cell tower the same size was built on the property on the other side of the first. We have always been extremely healthy and active family. We raised 5 son’s here. But the last 10 year’s thing’s have changed. One of our sons came down with 3 different types of cancer which spread throughout his body. All of us have struggled with chronic depression. I myself now have extensive memory loss. Headaches are daily for all. Chronic fatigue and body pain is shared by all. The last few years we have all been experiencing tremors and shaking. The nieghbor on other side of these towers has become nearly bedridden with many of the same symptoms. His house is within 200 feet of the cell tower
Our house is approximately 500feet of the microwave tower. Have killed at least 1 to 2 deer each year for the last 5 years that were uneatable due to being covered in cancerous growths. I think these towers may be killing us.
I’m so sorry to hear all of this, John, but sure appreciate you sharing your story. You are wise to make this association. Thank you for helping raise awareness by sharing your story.
I think I may be experiencing these adverse effects from living near a cell tower. If one were to remove themselves from living near a cell tower for a period of time, should they see a difference in their symptoms? How long would one need to be away from one before seeing a different? How would one measure the change?
I would think quite soon after leaving. I’m not sure how to measure it, though!
Would an iodine supplement be helpful?
Actually, there are varied opinions on this. These foods can be helpful: http://it-takes-time.com/2015/09/04/anti-radiation-foods/
My neighbor has least his land to the cell phone company Selco acting as Verizon and I am unaware if there is anything I can do if anything. I have been working for several years clearing this property and building up the structure to have a home and now I will never be able to have a family out here on this Hillside that I paid $21,000 for a half acre.
I have a cell tower right outside my home about 150 feet, they constructed it after we built our home, but not on my property so I was told it had nothing to do with me. I have 2 teenagers with very low ferritin levels, sleep issues, and headaches. My husband has sleep issues and irritability and I suffer from sleep issues and depression. I have a 6 month old baby girl and a 6 year old son also. They are converting the tower to 5g as I type and I’m helpless as to what to do. I’ve contacted attorneys, and state and local officials and keep hitting brick walls. I’m gravely concerned for all of our health, especially my younger children. Do you have an suggestions for me? Has anything helped you?
There are options: Shielding is one along with creating sleep sanctuaries. This post should help:
Also, with symptoms among family members, it’s also good to rule out the presence of toxic mold. If there is a history of water leaks or evidence of water damage this is important to explore as well.
Thank you Andrea. You have put a lot of time into this and I appreciate it. Most of society is ignoring the antennas, microwave towers, radio towers that are being set up everywhere. I am so thankful to the people who have complained about smart meters and allowed for people like me to refuse them even if we have to pay extra fees to do so. The more people who complain about the effects of EMFs the better so we will educate people. I work with people who have a genetic sensitivity to moldy houses and they are all made worse by EMFs. Keep up the good work!
Glad to hear about the work you’re doing, Sharol.
My neighbor let ATT put in one of their cell phone towers in her yard, about 6 years ago. Since that time my neighbor has had cancer, and I have had so much fatigue , irritability, and now thyroid problems. If anyone knows of a way that we can make ATT take down their cell phone tower, I’d sure appreciate to know how to go about this.
Thank you.
I am moving to Mauritius and the estate we are moving to has a cell phone tower. I am very concerned about this with everything I have read. What can I do as my husband’s company is putting us there. It is beautiful but I am really worried about the tower. It is about 300 meters from our house.
There are shielding options for the sleeping areas. I understandy your concern and very glad you are aware of this. This post should help:
I have first hand experience with living under a cell tower bank. I moved into a lovely apartment in a downtown are of Centralia WA. Loved it, well about six months or so I realized the roof of my 8th floor apt. was a full cell bank the whole roof, just above my head.
First up grade, after a few more months the ringing in my head was getting to be most of the time and muscle spasms were becoming a normal way of life. Head aces and sleep problems as well. I just never put it all together, and on top of it this building is low income and a 55 and older building so moving is a bigger issue than most. Well about a year latter a mother big upgrade happened. And symptoms increased I was beginning to have more and stronger physical and emotional/mental swings. Ok a mother year brings us up to the end of last year, this up grade took about a month to complete and it was a big one the completely remove most of the old and added bigger and better units , about one week after they were done, the swelling and neuropathy in my feet and legs were unbearable and I also had a heart attack , I do say it was the cumulative time living under and upgrading of these cell units were the cause. I made the choice to move even if I had to move into a tent, and I did. I didn’t have to become homeless, which I am glad of. But it took me about a month after I moved to begin to feel better, and now it is almost 4 months and I feel physically almost a 100% and that is how I truly know that it was not my imagination , that these cell unites are dangerous and totally going to destroy us, if we allow 5G to go on line. I don’t know how I can do any thing about this but maybe some one will stand up and start a movement with a way to join and grow. If so I am in! OH yes one big thing I learned from all this is LOOK UP and all around you. Before you choose a home to live in.
Thanks for sharing this valuable information. I would like to learn more about current actions to restrict RF towers from elementary school facilities.
Here’s a very recent action:
i live next door to a church that houses theses antennas and trasformers. there are three antennas that look like lightposts ana i that looks loike a tree of some sort and t ransformers that arte surrounded bye concrete barriers. my dog loved to sit outside he devreloped a couple masdt cell tumors and had theses wierd rashes that looked liked hed been stamped bye something and he was always grabbing his ears and his feet were blistered . my roomate died of non hodgkins lynphoma and now threre telling me i have lichen sclerosis. and when i have company sometimes they say they hear a ringinging sound and ive see theses wierd images . does any of this have to do with those things they put up and house on private property. i also have roscea and feel warm all the time. and have a couple other personal problems . went through menapause years ago. the tree across the street is half dead facing the church. our lemon tree has deformed lemons too. im not sure what to do .except move .
Right, moving sometimes is the best option. There are ways to shield too. Check out http://www.lessemf.com. I appreciate you sharing your story.
What is a Smart Meter and how do you know if you have one close by you?
This website will answer all of your questions, Christina.