A landmark study suggests that cell tower radiation negatively impacts health. Researchers in Japan found that the health of condominium residents improved after a mobile base station was removed from the rooftop of the complex.
Okinawa, Japan Cell Tower Study
Researchers in Japan considered the health of residents exposed to a cell mast system from 1998-2009. The mobile base station was removed from the rooftop of the condominium in June of 2009, and the health of the residents was compared before and after removal. (See Significant Decrease of Clinical Symptoms after Mobile Phone Base Station Removal – an Intervention Study.)
More than 100 residents were interviewed for the study in January 2009 and the following November, three months after the removal of the base station. The 8 MHz station was installed in 1998 with the 2 GHz station a decade later.
The study documents radio frequency (RF) measurements throughout the complex as well as the methodology used to obtain the data. The first table notes the health effects related to the 800 MHz antennas while the second table denotes the impact of the 2 GHz cylindrical antennas.
(Symptoms that are common to both installations are printed in bold.)
*This study first appeared in German as Shinjyo, T. & Shinjyo, A. (2014), Significant Rückgang klinischer Symptome nach Senderabbau – eine Interventionsstudie. Umwelt-Medizin-Gesellschaft, 27(4), S. 294-301. It was made available in English October 2015.
What can we learn from this study?
1. There’s more than meets the eye when it comes to the proliferation of wireless radiation in the form of cell masts, smart meters, and Wi-Fi.
The 2 GHz band is a standard band used for wireless devices, phones, laptops, baby monitors, microwave ovens and cordless DECT phones. This type of frequency exposure is artificial and as we see in this study presents a health hazard. We must take note of studies like this before we subject ourselves and our children to these unnaturally occurring fields without full attention to health.
2. Chronic exposure to artificial electromagnetic fields manifests in a variety of ways, unique to the individual.
When our family was exposed to high levels of toxic mold, each member of our family exhibited different symptoms. One had seizures, another vertigo, another autoimmune disease, still another digestive problems. We did have symptoms that overlapped including vision disturbance, sleep problems, and skin rashes. We also saw lots of nosebleeds among the kids. (See more of our story in detail here.)
While wireless radiation is not the same as toxic mold, both add stress to the immune system. It’s interesting to see the myriad of symptoms that present in this study – especially regarding the varying frequencies. Fatigue tops the list for those exposed to the 2 GHz antenna while tinnitus (ear ringing) is #1 for those exposed to the 800 MHz antenna. Common to both: insomnia, dizziness, nose bleeds, runny nose. eye problems and headaches.
3. Sleep is a huge issue when it comes to wireless radiation exposure.
When we combine the fatigue finding with the sleep complaints, we see quite a few individuals with poor rest patterns. Melatonin disruption has been linked with electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure in numerous studies including Pineal Melatonin Levels Disruption in Humans Due to Electromagnetic Fields and ICNIRP Limits. In this study, researchers suggest that the pineal gland is likely to sense EMFs as light and as a consequence may decrease melatonin production. The good news is there is much we can do to restore our sleep by creating a sleep sanctuary. (See Sleep, Melatonin and Electronic Devices.)
4. Innocent until proven guilty does not work when it comes to electromagnetic radiation.
While this premise may work well in the justice system, it does not work well when it comes to health. Consider the history of tobacco, DDT and BPA (bisphenol-A). How much better would it have been to wait until each was proven safe before exposing the public? In his book Overpowered, EMF expert Dr. Martin Blank helps us see the error of our ways with the classic joke about a man falling from the Empire State Building saying “So far, so good. . . ” as he passes the 30th floor.
“Overall, the scientific evidence shows that the risk to health is significant and that to deny it is like being in free-fall and thinking ‘so far, so good.’ We must recognize that there is a potential health problem and that we must begin to deal with it responsibly as individuals and society.”
Furthermore, according to Dr. Blank,
“Given the continued questions and uncertainty on the precise links between exposure to low-frequency EMF and negative health outcomes, regulations should be formulated out of an abundance of caution.”
5. All of us should take note of our health regarding wireless radiation
Are you struggling with fatigue, frequent headaches or a chronic runny nose? How about disrupted sleep or eye pain? Monitor your symptoms as you consider your proximity to cell towers, smart meters, and routers. Check for nearby towers and antennas by entering your zip code at Antenna Search. Consider measuring your exposure with a meter. I like the Cornet Electrosmog Meter, which is available through Just So Natural Products. This video demonstrates how to use a measuring device like the Cornet meter.
We can no longer afford to wait for those in authority to institute the Precautionary Principle when it comes to electromagnetic radiation. Let’s learn from this study and take action for the sake of ourselves, our children and future generations.
To see a video showing the levels of radiation coming from a cell tower in our neighborhood see The Hidden Health Effects of Cell Towers.
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Thanks for making this video, Andrea. My question for you is this…have you measured the EMF that comes off of your car engine and related wiring when you are driving your car, or just sitting in it with the motor running? This has been a huge eye=opener for us, since we got a TriField meter. The numbers were so high in my mini-van, that we decided to sell it. Even the back seat area was high numbers when the car was running. We know that we need to get another car (we presently have just a pick-up truck, which we got based on the EMF numbers being quite low) and we use the meter whenever we go car shopping. Recently we passed up on two used RVs due to the extremely high numbers showing up on our meter.
Just some food for thought.
Yes, I’ve measured the car, Ruth. It’s certainly higher than I would like it to be. But my area of focus has been sleeping areas. You might like the Yahoo group EMF Refugees. There has been some discussion on low EMF cars. One of the members has this site:
Hi, Andrea. This was helpful! Thank you. We have smart meters being installed in our town this year. There is an “opt out” option for a monthly fee. This is allowed for about a year and at that point installation of the meter is mandatory. Our son is very sensitive to EMFs and RFs and we are concerned for his health. Any suggestions?
Hi Lisa. I know that I would seize the opt out. While they shouldn’t charge you, for now – I would take it. I would spend the next year trying to educate others about this. Perhaps form a local group and then go to the company as a group. You’re wise to be thinking along this line.
Hi Andrea. Today is the day the smart meters are being installed! Unfortunately, not too many of my neighbors are concerned. Although we have opted out, our neighbors have not. We live in such close proximity and we are very concerned about our families health. People need to be aware that it’s not a matter of if they will get smart meters in their town but when.
Yes, thanks for chiming in, Lisa. Glad you have opted out.
HI Andrea,
I’ve been doing some research since I’ve been noticing my health has changed a bit since there were celular towers installed in our building. I am on the top
Floor and the antenas are literally on top of us, they were installed about a year ago. I am thinking of buying one of these RF readers to ensure the measurements are not too high. I’m not sure how to go about this and if I should call the cell company to complaint. I ammsire they will just turn seeing and tell me they are safe. What do you think I should do?
Sorry for them typos, I meant if I call the cellular company they will most likely turn around and tell me they are safe.
No doubt they will tell you they are safe,. Measurement is a good idea. If your health has changed, then you are definitely on the right track wtih this, Claudia.
Wow, I though it was just me!!
I have been depressed and suicidal lately, something I`ve never experienced in my 60 years on this planet.
I`m now finding out why!
I have been living above 24 smart meters in my apartment. (only been here 3 months)
There is NO concrete sub-floor, here just 2 x 6 and plywood between me and the meters.
The last person living here got cancer.
Before that I was sleepless and exhausted most of the time, Living in another apartment
I thought it may be all the wifi routers in the other building.
I Need to relocate again! Maybe to an Island LOL!!
Before G5 comes in the area.
Thanks so much for your information.
I`ll need to get me one of these smog meters.
Anyway Thanks for your info!
I’m so sorry to hear this but very grateful you shared your story here. Good job making this connection.
Despite opposition by taxpayers, though our Planning Board has been advised of the health hazards of cellphone communication towers, they persist in their approval, in violation of Zoning Bylaws, of the imminent construction of a 170′ AT&T cellphone tower in a bucolic, rural community of Western Massachusetts.
The Planning Board refused to acknowledge our letters. They marginalized our concerns and silenced our dissent when language such as “reckless” and “corrupt” were used to describe their lack of regard for the health and well being of the citizens of our community.
They have used the excuse of FirstNet’s “safety” as their alibi while within a four mile radius of this tower, there are already four existing towers. There is a diaspora within our neighborhood; we are faced with having to evacuate our homes and the daunting task of finding a new location to move to where we are able, under our Constitutional rights, to enjoy health. This is not a democracy; it is brutal utilitarianism and cellphone towers are holocausts in the making.
Our regulatory system is shifting from pre market testing to postmarket monitoring. This is an approach to benefit the device and big tech industry so they can capture the effects of “the real world” and make clinical trials obsolete. This is our FCC, NASA, FDA, and FOR profit organizations such as the American Cancer Society which is heavily funded by Big Tech and the FCC.
Too few of our legislators are willing to take a stand to defend the constituents that trusted them to do so when voting them into office. And, it is very difficult to reason with people who are addicted to their devices. It will take epidemics such as the childhood cancers as a result of the cellphone tower at the Weston School, Ripon, California, for people to get their heads out of their devices. This is an absolute tragedy for mankind.