Many of us are considering a dietary change, one with fewer processed, “boxed” foods. Others are contemplating going gluten-free. Perhaps chronic illness is a motivating factor. Or a child with behavioral issues. Or merely a general desire to eat healthier. All sorts of doubts creep in when we make a decision to change. Doubts that…
How to Get Kids to Eat Healthy
Do you ever feel like you’re in a losing battle when it comes to your kids and nutrition? Would you like to instill in your child a desire for healthy eating? Our family of 11 was your classic “fast food” family until a health crisis forced us to re-evaluate our food choices. (Read our story…
How to Make Miso Soup
Miso, a fermented medicinal food with a rich history, makes an ideal addition to any bone broth or soup recipe! Miso is an ancient food dating as far back as 800 BC. Miso involves a unique double fermentation process using soybeans and grains. According to the book Japanese Foods That Heal, miso offers numerous health…
10 Countries Act Against Glyphosate
In March 2015, the World Health Organization declared that glyphosate, the primary active ingredient in the world’s number one herbicide, Roundup, is a “probable carcinogen”. How has the world responded? Even prior to the World Health Organization’s Group 2A classification, many countries were already on the road to eliminating the use of glyphosate. Here is…
How to Make Sauerkraut
Looking to create your own probiotic boost? Cabbage is one of the simplest foods to ferment and can be transformed into a delicious, nutritious side dish! Sauerkraut is ideal for those who are new to fermentation. The process is simple and yields a probiotic food that boosts digestion and overall health. If you’re daunted by…
GE Food Labeling and the DARK Act
Do you believe you have the right to know what’s in your food? Do you want to know if food is genetically altered? If you answered yes to the questions above you are not alone. More than 90% of Americans believe GE (genetically engineered) foods should be labeled. The matter of GE food labeling is…