Public health experts are asking the World Health Organization to acknowledge electrohypersensitivity (EHS) and multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) as real diseases. The Fifth Paris Appeal Conference Are multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and electrohypersensitivity (EHS) real conditions? A group of leading scientists and public health experts contends these conditions are not only real; they are escalating rapidly….
Guidelines for Buying a Home
What should we look for when buying or renting a home? How can we choose a safe environment and avoid hazardous water damage that can lead to serious health issues? Guidelines for Buying a Home Issues Related to Mold 1. Look for a low permeability rating (minimal chance of unwanted moisture entering the home). The…
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals 101
These chemicals defy the conventional “the dose makes the poison” premise and are wreaking havoc with our bodies. You’ll find them in toys, scented products, automobiles, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. The evidence is mounting that these dose-defying chemicals are doing us harm. Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Chances are you’ve heard the term endocrine disrupters. According to recent…
DIY Cinnamon Christmas Potpourri
Is there any more enticing scent than the smell of cinnamon at Christmas time? Why not skip the chemically-laden commercial fragrances and create a natural simmering potpourri! The maker of Scentsicles, a popular Christmas-scented product, lists one ingredient only: pure fragrance oil. The unfortunate truth, however, is that pure fragrance oil is only the tip…
How to Choose Safe and Sustainable Clothing
How are we doing today when it comes to our health and fashion? In 1881, the Rational Dress Society challenged the fashion industry of its day. The Society protested against a dress that “either deforms the figure, impedes the movements of the body, or in any way tends to injure health.” Seeking to do away…