Fasting has become my number one tool when it comes to my health. While fasting can be a single event, I have found it to be more of a journey. Learn more about the health benefits of fasting! Animals intuitively know to refrain from food when they are sick. But sometimes we miss the obvious—that…
Toxic Mold Treatment Options
Are you recovering from a toxic mold exposure? Wondering about treatment options? The following is an overview designed to stimulate further research rather than suggest a particular protocol. Genetics, finances, circumstances, and individual physical needs play a role in determining the best choice. Toxic Mold Treatment Options Drug Options Cholestyramine (CSM) CSM is the most…
Toxic Mold and Possessions
It has been nearly seven years since we vacated our home. We treated it like a fire and brought nothing with us. (Read our toxic mold saga here.) It seemed like a radical move at the time. Had a toxicologist and medical doctor not advised us, we would have brought our belongings with us. After our recent…
My Detox Routine
Since our family’s health crisis in 2008, I have learned that healing is not only a process, it is also an opportunity. Once I began to understand that detoxification is a lifelong process, I slowly integrated the following detox routine into my daily regimen. 1. Sleeping Grounded My day begins by finding the floor at…
How to Make Kombucha
Kombucha is a healthy probiotic beverage that is both refreshing and easy to make! Kombucha is a fermented, probiotic, naturally carbonated tea, combining sweetened tea with a “mushroom” consisting of active cultures of yeast and bacteria. This mushroom is better known as a SCOBY or Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast. You can purchase a…
10 Ways to Detox Your Home
What can we do to make our home a safe refuge? How can we ensure access to clean air and clean water? 10 Ways to Detox Your Home 1. Become aware. Don’t be afraid of information. While it can be overwhelming, knowledge is empowering. Dr. J. H. Tilden said, “Knowledge is power. Knowledge of how…