Trying to steer clear of chemically-laden air fresheners? Try this simple DIY air freshener spray! You’ll need three simple ingredients: Filtered water Vodka Essential oil(s) You need only a tiny bit of vodka, so if keeping alcohol in the home is a problem, be sure to buy the smallest bottle. The vodka works as a…
DIY Natural Decor – Manzanita Tree
Looking to add a bit of nature to your indoor environment? Are you interested in DIY natural decor? You’ll love the manzanita tree! Manzanita trees are characterized by smooth orange or red bark and stiff, twisting branches. The term manzanita is derived from the Spanish word manzana (apple), since manzanitas offer silvery-green berries in spring and…
DIY Eco-Friendly Home Repair
Today’s post is written by a DIY dad extraordinaire. Paul Denikin began learning the ins and outs of DIY home repair while making his home better fit and more accessible for his daughter, Maggie, who has special needs. Paul shares his tips for DIY eco-friendly home repair. DIY Eco-Friendly Home Repair from guest blogger Paul…
DIY Magnesium Balm
DIY Magnesium Balm is a simple and effective way to add magnesium to your daily health regimen. Transdermal magnesium bypasses the digestive tract, making the nutrient more bioavailable without the danger of overdoing it. (See The Health Benefits of Transdermal Magnesium.) DIY Magnesium Balm requires magnesium oil, which is simply a combination of magnesium flakes…
DIY Reed Diffuser
Bring the outdoors in with this simple DIY reed diffuser. Repurpose a glass mason jar, choose your favorite essential oil, and let the natural scent emanate throughout your office, living room, or bathroom! DIY Reed Diffuser Supplies: 1 8-ounce canning jar. (A wide-mouth or regular size jar will work.) 4 ounces carrier oil. (I use…
DIY Standing Desk
Looking to try a standing desk without a big investment? Try this DIY standing desk for less than $50! I transitioned to a standing desk in 2014 and have never looked back. I’m far more efficient and productive. (See Is a Standing Desk For You?) My adult son Ryan recently switched to a standing desk, creating this…