Do you find yourself on a device more hours than you’d like? Are you concerned about the length of time your kids spend with screens? Are you looking for some counter-cultural encouragement when it comes to technology and parenting? Screen-Free Parenting As a mom whose children span from age 15 to 31, I have seen…
Gluten-free, Sugar-free Santa Berries
Your family will love these gluten-free Santa Berries (with dairy-free option). Combine pineapple pieces with sugar-free icing, cacao nibs and fresh strawberries for a festive holiday treat! Gluten-free, Sugar-free Santa Berries Ingredients: 12 toothpicks 12 fresh strawberries 12 pieces canned or fresh pineapple * 24 cacao nibs Icing ** * It’s easy to reduce the…
How to Get Kids to Eat Healthy
Do you ever feel like you’re in a losing battle when it comes to your kids and nutrition? Would you like to instill in your child a desire for healthy eating? Our family of 11 was your classic “fast food” family until a health crisis forced us to re-evaluate our food choices. (Read our story…
Marriage and Toxic Mold
A home is infested with toxic mold. Some, if not all, of the family members, are ill. What happens when a husband and wife disagree on the appropriate course of action? It’s a typical scenario. The wife senses an urgency about leaving the home. The husband is more cautious. Perhaps the wife leaves the home…
Why My Son Got Type 1 Diabetes
Colin was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes on June 27, 2007, at the age of 7. With no family history, we were shocked by the diagnosis. Colin was the eighth of our nine children. Why did Colin get type 1 diabetes and not our other kids? A Stroke of Bad Luck? When the doctors diagnosed…
The GAPS Diet – Our Story
(This post was first published August 30, 2010.) The GAPS Diet- Our Story We have been conducting a family experiment this month. It’s a dietary trial. The experiment involves a no grain/no fruit eating plan drawing on such diets as GAPS, SCD, BED, Paleo, Phase 1 Antifungal, and Bee’s, as well as other candida diets….