Water is always eager to make its way into our living spaces. One crack is all that is needed to cause a serious problem in any indoor environment. As Spring approaches and snow melts, homeowners should be aware of vulnerable areas such as rooftops, windows, and other possible ports of entry. Home inspectors Nick Gromicko…
10 Ways to Detox Your Home
What can we do to make our home a safe refuge? How can we ensure access to clean air and clean water? 10 Ways to Detox Your Home 1. Become aware. Don’t be afraid of information. While it can be overwhelming, knowledge is empowering. Dr. J. H. Tilden said, “Knowledge is power. Knowledge of how…
Thermal Imaging to Detect Water Damage
Thermal imaging is a technology that aids in the detection of hidden moisture behind walls, ceilings and floors. It also helps diagnose a variety of other home-performance problems such as missing insulation, air leaks or thermal bridges. Used by the military for surveillance purposes for many years, thermography has also been used by firefighters, airport…
Got Surface Mold? 10 Natural Solutions
Because of the nature of indoor environments, it’s easy for surface mold to develop – especially in the bathroom area, where air circulation is at a minimum. Before addressing the surface issue, it is important to rule out the presence of a deeper problem. Sometimes surface mold is due to hidden water damage. A crack…
Toxic Mold: Where Do I Begin?
You suspect mold in your home. Someone in your family has symptoms that baffle doctors. Where do you start? Test your home before cutting into any drywall or lifting any carpet. Disturbing the mold spores can make a situation much worse. Preliminary testing can be done with a simple moisture meter obtained from a local…