More than 85% of American households use chlorine bleach to clean their homes and whiten their clothes. Since Clorox hit the market in 1913, we have assumed the chemical compound is safe. Consider this 1954 advertisement. Also note in the ad above that “Clorox is a non-poisonous disinfectant . . .” We know this isn’t…
Got Surface Mold? 10 Natural Solutions
Because of the nature of indoor environments, it’s easy for surface mold to develop – especially in the bathroom area, where air circulation is at a minimum. Before addressing the surface issue, it is important to rule out the presence of a deeper problem. Sometimes surface mold is due to hidden water damage. A crack…
5 Cheap Natural Cleaning Products
Trying to use fewer chemicals in your home? Are you frustrated with the higher prices of healthier options? Switching to natural cleaning and personal care products need not be expensive. Consider adding these five products to your regimen and enjoy the savings. Five Natural Cleaning Products 1. Vinegar White vinegar is optimal for household use….