As one who has given up her smartphone, eliminated Wi-Fi in the home, and opted out of a smart meter, I’ve wondered how to characterize my concern with technology. Now I know: I’m a loving resistance fighter. In his 1992 book Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology, Neil Postman defines Technopoly as “progress without limits,…
Google’s Project Loon – Cell Towers in the Sky
Google Inc. has been approved to launch a nationwide experiment known as Project Loon in 2016, a balloon project aimed at expanding Google’s reach and its profit margin. On March 17, 2016, the FCC granted permission to Google for airborne and terrestrial millimeter wave testing throughout the United States. There has been quite a bit…
Toxic Mold Illness Studies
Can exposure to toxic mold cause health issues? Is there a link between water-damaged buildings and neurological dysfunction, sinus and respiratory problems, and other chronic health conditions? When seeking medical treatment, many mold-exposed individuals are met with skepticism by physicians. Family members or loved ones may dismiss the connection. The document linked below offers a…
Health Benefits of Natural Light
Do you suffer from mal-illumination? The phrase, coined by light science pioneer John Ott, suggests that people are suffering from a lack of natural light much like those who are malnourished. I used to consider my sunglasses an essential part of life in Arizona. After reading Health and Light by John Ott, I consider them…