This natural version of Lays Sour Cream and Onion Chips consists of summer squash, onion, chives and apple cider vinegar. Ideal for picnics, family gatherings and on-the-go snacking! Sour Cream and Onion Veggie Chips Our recipe “stems” from our abundant summer squash harvest and can be adapted to suit your dietary and personal preferences. Summer…
Anti-Radiation Foods
Wherever we turn, we are exposed to unnatural levels of electromagnetic radiation. Studies abound on the adverse health effects of ionizing, as well as non-ionizing radiation. The good news is there are dietary interventions that can help lessen the negative impact of these fields. The health effects of ionizing radiation in the form of gamma-rays,…
Super Booster Kale Chips
This recipe is a super booster because of the addition of nori and turmeric. Nori, an edible seaweed, is an excellent source of vitamin C, fiber, protein and potassium. If you’re not a fan of the flavor, don’t worry because the taste gets lost in this flavorful blend. Turmeric is high in curcumin – a…