When a toxic mold issue arises in a home, sometimes the contamination is extreme, requiring the occupants to vacate the premises. The question then becomes, “Can I bring my possessions with me?” We are leaving our toxic home. Do we have to leave everything? There is no single answer to this question. The types of…
Toxic Mold Remediation
Does mold remediation work? When water damage is localized and specific, proper remediation often solves the problem. But when a home is seriously contaminated, a leading toxicologist encourages consumers to be cautious. The book of Leviticus makes it clear that if mold is still present after remediation, the home is unsafe. This is a radical…
How to Test for Toxic Mold
Wondering if toxic mold is an issue in your home? Hiring a hygienist is one option. Another is to perform your own dust sample. Learn how to test for toxic mold. Dust sampling can be a good way to assess the health of your environment. The ERMI (Environmental Relative Moldiness Index) test is recommended as…