Our family of eleven unknowingly moved into a home ridden with toxic mold. As our health deteriorated, we slowly uncovered the truth about the connection between health and the indoor environment.
The following timeline chronicles our family’s encounter with toxic mold, the vacating of our Colorado home, and the events of the following year.
Our Toxic Mold Exposure
June 2000. Chris, our eight children, and I move from a small 1,800-square-foot home in suburban Chicago to an expansive, relatively new 5,500-square-foot home in Monument, Colorado. We choose Colorado for its beauty and proximity to Chris’ writing colleagues.
June 2001 through May 2007. Our ninth child, Brandon James, is born in June 2001. We begin to see some medical issues arise. Our oldest daughter develops a severe nut allergy. Our fourth daughter is diagnosed with complex partial seizure disorder. Other problems arise in the family, such as mild hearing loss, heavy menstrual bleeding, rashes, nickel allergies, swollen adenoids, and a dog with diabetes. We make no association with our home.
April 2007. Our 11-year-old son, Reagan, has a skin biopsy for a mysterious rash in the form of small bumps on his elbows and other joints. A dermatologist cannot diagnose the cause.
May 9, 2007 (the day before Mother’s Day). In the process of preparing for carpets to be cleaned in our downstairs level, I notice a brown spot in the corner of our oldest daughter’s room. It is located directly behind a bathroom. After uncovering the spot and cutting into the wall, we discover black mold. (We learn much later that cutting into the wall caused the spores to be released, thereby putting the family at risk.) We call a mold remediation team to diagnose and treat it. They do not wear masks and do not ventilate the contaminated air. They assure us there is no risk or danger. We believe them. (Fourteen months later I would read: “Remediators who are not wearing any face, mouth, hand, or body protection in the midst of visible mold or moldy odors are untrained and should be asked to leave. You will be hurt by their lack of training.”)
June 26, 2007 (seven weeks from the date of exposure). Our seven-year-old son, Colin, is diagnosed with type 1 juvenile diabetes. Research suggests a “toxic trigger” for onset. Colin slept in a room with little to no ventilation, which could explain his predisposition to diabetes (with toxic fumes in the home). His adenoids became swollen soon after moving to Colorado. One website explains, “Usually, enlargement of the gland indicates increased working of the gland, i.e. reaction towards the disease or infective agents (bacteria or viruses or fungi).” With no family history and little experience with medical issues, we are launched into a new world.
July 2007. We learn from our insurance company that slow leaks and mold are not covered.
September 11, 2007. Reagan calls from school to say his ear is ringing. I take him to a top neurotologist in Colorado Springs.
October 1, 2007. Reagan’s ear ringing is debilitating. An MRI and blood work are scheduled.
November 1, 2007. Reagan wakes up dizzy. No doubt the sugar from Halloween has triggered the escalation of his illness. A few days later he is up all night with vertigo and vomiting. His last day of sixth grade will prove to be October 31.
November 6, 2007. We seek a second opinion at Children’s Hospital in Denver. Because of the severity of the vertigo attacks, we are admitted to the emergency room. The senior neurologist determines there is nothing neurologically wrong. ENT doctors at the hospital are mystified.
November 10, 2007. As Reagan’s violent vertigo continues, the neurotologist gives the diagnosis of Meniere’s disease and performs shunt surgery. Reagan recovers well and begins vestibular rehabilitation as walking has become labored and arduous.
November 22, 2007. Reagan’s vertigo returns with a vengeance. Phenergan and valium are prescribed. We are now carrying Reagan as his balance is clearly disturbed.
November 28, 2007. Reagan is admitted to the hospital for an injection of gentamicin with the hope of killing the eighth nerve on the left side. Following surgery, he is admitted to the rehabilitation unit at Memorial Hospital, as he is only able to walk with the help of a walker. His balance is restored on day seven. He is perpetually dizzy and crying at night; the dizziness is extremely intense. The rehab people seem mystified that he is chronically dizzy. The rehab doctor assumes it must be psychological.
December 7, 2007. Reagan comes home from the hospital. The vertigo returns within days. He is perpetually dizzy 24 hours a day, awake until two a.m. most nights until exhaustion overtakes him. I have to hold him and sing to him until he finally falls asleep.
December 21, 2007. A second gentamicin injection is given through outpatient surgery.
December 22, 2007. Reagan’s vertigo intensifies.
December 25, 2007 (Christmas Day). Reagan is terribly dizzy. He bangs his head against the couch to try to get rid of it. He’s trying to cope with the lack of progress.
January 3, 2008. The neurotologist says Reagan needs tough love. I sense there is nothing more he can do.
January 2008. Our son with diabetes, now eight years old, continues to complain of headaches and blurred vision. He says he sees double. After complications from diabetes are ruled out, glasses are prescribed.
January 2008. I notice unusual rashes on our six-year-old son, Brandon.
January 2008. I call an environmental hygienist in Denver and talk with him at length about my children’s illnesses and the mold remediation in May. He does not believe the illnesses are related to last year’s exposure. He is aware only of respiratory illnesses related to mold. He says we would be wasting our money to have our air tested. He comments on the fact that the remediation team wore no masks. He calls it poor business practice and unprofessional.
February 2008. Our 10-year-old daughter Kaitlyn continues to complain of headaches, double vision, and dizziness. She has difficulty riding in the car. The optometrist diagnoses her with convergence insufficiency and diplopia. I take her for three other opinions, including an ophthalmologist, who concurs with the optometrist’s diagnosis. All agree she needs vision therapy, so we begin a home therapy program. She is clearly debilitated and is asking to come home after just three hours of school.
February 13, 2008. VNG (eye movement) testing for Reagan shows the left ear has recovered to almost normal caloric activity. This is amazing in light of the toxicity of the gentamicin drug. Meniere’s disease appears unlikely. Reagan’s hearing in the left ear returns to the level it was on September 11. The Denver neurotologist introduces the idea of migraine. I feel a need to pursue another opinion as this is an entirely new idea.
March 3, 2008. Through an e-mail to the University of Michigan, the head of the vestibular department at the Mayo Clinic hears about Reagan and calls me. He tells us that we created a separate vestibular disorder with the gentamicin, and we are in truth dealing with vestibular migraine with some adult presentation. We begin pertactin and watch for trigger foods and other common migraine issues, including weather changes and light sensitivity. Reagan’s vertigo begins to make sense. But we are still not linking any of this to the mold exposure in May.
March 2008. Colin complains of abdominal pain. A stomach X-ray shows that something is clearly creating a disturbance in his intestine.
March 2008. Kaitlyn worsens. We begin vision therapy in Denver in hopes that the convergence issue will resolve, and her symptoms will dissipate.
March 2008. Our 17-year-old son Ryan’s acne has become severe. He has experienced chronic cold/sinus congestion/sore throat since February.
April 2008. Kaitlyn is unable to return to school. Her motion sickness and vertigo are escalating. We see a dramatic shift in her personality. She is negative and irritable. She lies on the floor many nights and says she wants to die. The vision therapist notices a major head tilt in Kaitlyn and suggests that there may be more going on than the convergence issue. He advises us to see a chiropractor.
April 2008. Colin complains of numbness in his right hand and has significant rashes on both hands. The blurry vision and headaches continue. The abdominal pain continues. He cries at night, asking if he will feel like this forever since diabetes is forever. We see a gastrointestinal specialist. He suggests stress but agrees to do further testing. Colin leaves school early most days.
April 2008. Our six-year-old son, Brandon, complains of blurry vision and abdominal pain. His teacher sends home a note saying he appears to be frequently urinating. Brandon is diagnosed with dysfunctional voiding. A stomach X-ray shows he is constipated.
April 2008. I become extremely fatigued and develop ringing in both ears. My menstrual cycle has ceased abruptly with no warning; I assume this is due to the stress of these last 11 months. I also begin to notice some memory issues but quickly dismiss them.
April 2008. A pediatric neurologist at Children’s Hospital in Denver skeptically prescribes Topomax for Reagan’s migrainous vertigo. With no family history of migraine, he expresses disbelief that a child can be dizzy 24 hours a day. With this lack of support, I decide to pursue alternative/natural care. Reagan is suffering with each weather change. Because of this and Kaitlyn’s head tilt, I consider a chiropractor with a head/neck specialty.
April 25, 2008. I reach the point of desperation and despair. Chris is doing his best to continue to pay the mounting bills. Three children are out of school completely and are not improving.
May 10, 2008 (the day before Mother’s Day). Colin notices discoloration in his bedroom ceiling. Unaware of the dangers of mold exposure, we cut into the floor area around the master bedroom shower area and notice a mold-like substance. Making no connection between our children’s illnesses and the previous mold situation, we call the same remediation team. They begin to work the same day.
May 16, 2008. I become increasingly uncomfortable with the remediation process. The workmen still wear no masks. Black mold is visible in the room where we are sleeping. The owner of a second remediation company comes to review the work. He is shocked at the fan that is recirculating contaminated air through the house. There is no ventilation, and black mold is clearly exposed. We call the hygienist and schedule air sampling for the following Tuesday. We tell the remediation company to remove their equipment immediately. They assure us that our air in the affected areas is the cleanest in the house. Once again we hear from the insurance company that mold and slow leaks are not covered.
May 2008. Reagan is suffering massive nosebleeds each night.
May 2008. Chris experiences numbness in his right hand and lower arm.
May 21, 2008. After a natural treatment for detox, Colin becomes feverish and gray in color. He begins vomiting. His fever climbs to 104 degrees. He is visibly shaking. Diarrhea begins. This continues for the next four days, and there is a black substance with each bowel movement. By the fifth day, his abdominal pain has subsided. The numbness is gone, and his vision has improved.
May 22, 2008. The hygienist calls with the results of our air samples. The lower level of the home has a reading of 120 mold spores. The count outside our house is 790. The count in the boys’ room is 293,000. Of these spores, 207,000 are Stachybotrys and 86,000 are Chaetomium. The count in our master bedroom is 321,987. Of these, 250,000 are Stachybotrys and 71,000 are Chaetomium. The hygienist indicates he has never seen counts this high in either residential or commercial structures. The mold in this area of the house is significantly less than the area downstairs which was improperly remediated last year. The magnitude of last year’s exposure has to be much greater.
May 22, 2008. We call for an emergency remediation. The new remediation team recommended by the hygienist contains the affected areas and seals off the rooms by midnight. They are in full protective gear. We schedule carpet steam-cleaning throughout the house, and vent disinfection for the next week. Our clothing, linens, and bedding are put in sealed bags and are later disposed of. Neither the hygienist nor the remediation team suggests vacating the house.
June 2008. Brandon’s rashes diminish following the remediation. His frequent urination is improving. I learn that frequent urination can be a sign of a low MSH (melanocyte-stimulating hormone). Dr. James Schaller writes, “The most common cause of a very low MSH in my patients is exposure to biotoxins.”
July 2008. I begin extensive research on the subject of Toxic Black Mold Syndrome. I read this on the website Mold-Help.org:
“The most dangerous mold strains are: Chaetomium (pronounced Kay-toe-MEE-yum) and Stachybotrys chartarum (pronounced Stack-ee-BOT-ris Shar-TAR-um) as they have been proven to produce demyelinating mycotoxins among others, meaning they can lead to autoimmune disease. Under certain growth and environmental conditions, both of these fungi release toxic, microscopic spores and several types of mycotoxins that can cause the worst symptoms which are usually irreversible such as neurological and immunological damage.”
July 2008. We continue taking detoxifying supplements. I read about the prescription medication cholestyramine, which has been proven to successfully bind biotoxins. I consider blood testing as outlined in Your Guide to Mold Toxins. But with the children improving, I decide to wait.
August 14, 2008. The children return to school. Two of the children become sick the first week with cold symptoms. This is disturbing, but I assume it is their compromised immune systems.
August 18, 2008. I obtain Colin’s blood tests from May 5 and look for evidence of toxic exposure. His gliadin IgG is high: a level of 105.6. Anything higher than 55 indicates positive for anti-gliadin IgG antibodies, which can occur after indoor mold exposure.
September 18, 2008. Colin gets a palate expander due to the mouth breathing that developed from the swollen adenoids.
September 29, 2008. I study Reagan’s blood tests from October 1, 2007, to search for clues to mold exposure as the cause of his hearing loss and tinnitus. (Vertigo had not set in at the time of these blood tests; they were taken four months after initial exposure.) His hemoglobin (Hgb) level was elevated at the time, as was his level of alkaline phosphatase (Alk Phos), which was 309, outside the healthy range of 37-250. Also, his potassium level was low, and his c-ANCA level was equivocal for antibodies. A re-test had been suggested by the lab but was not ordered by the neurotologist.
September 2008. Our dog Pippen seems unusually sick. His eyes are redder than they have ever been. Brandon becomes sick again with cold symptoms. I notice my tongue is black, my foot joints hurt, and three bumps have appeared on the second knuckle of my right hand. I take Ryan to the doctor for a herpes-like rash around his mouth. Brandon’s rashes are back, as are Colin’s hand rashes. Colin’s blood sugars become elevated.
October 4, 2008. I seek the counsel of toxicologist Dr. Jack Thrasher due to recurring symptoms. He explains the seriousness of the 320,000-plus spore count and warns that mold often hides behind walls and in crawl spaces. He advises us to vacate the home. We leave on Saturday night at 8:45 pm.
October 5, 2008. Chris and I take part in a conference call with Dr. Thrasher and leading environmental physician Dr. Michael Gray. They explain the seriousness of the spore count and the bacteria that synergize with the mold spores, creating a general contamination of the home. We throw away all remaining clothing and begin the process of creating a new, clean, environment. We find a new home with landlords who allow us to live there month-to-month.
October 25, 2008. Colin’s previous symptoms reappear. We wonder about recontamination of the new environment. Dr. Thrasher suggests chemical sensitivity. This commonly occurs in individuals exposed to high levels of mold; the detoxifying capability of the body is compromised, leaving it unable to cope with normal, everyday toxins such as pesticides, fragrances, carpet chemicals, etc.
October 29, 2008. Colin’s symptoms intensify. He complains of headaches, numbness in his hands and feet, pain in his chest and abdomen. He writes in his journal that he is the sickest boy in the world, and there will never be anyone who can help him. His hands are bloody from the rashes. I call Dr. Thrasher once again. He suggests bacteria from our contaminated house may have colonized in Colin’s nasal cavities and digestive tract. An X-ray reveals a mass in his upper left nasal cavity. We intensify probiotic and immune-boosting supplements.
November 2008. Reagan continues to suffer from migraine headaches, chronic dizziness, sore throats, and nosebleeds. Ryan still struggles with his rash. Kaitlyn asks to leave school due to headaches. Brandon complains of dizziness and nausea. I am struggling with memory loss and depression as well as a compromised ability to multitask. I sense the need to seek medical help through Dr. Gray in Benson, Arizona.
December 3, 2008. Our first appointment with Dr. Gray. UV light shows numerous fungal colonies on Colin and Reagan’s bodies. He finds polyps in their nasal cavities. He explains more about the reality of our mold exposure and long-term effects. I begin to think about relocating to Arizona to have the other children seen and start the intensive treatment protocol.
December 2008. Our three oldest daughters begin to connect their long-term symptoms with the mold exposure. All of them lived in the home at some point during and after the first remediation. Connections are made with symptoms beginning as far back as 2000. These symptoms include mood disorders, thyroid issues, anemia, memory loss, depression, inability to focus, rashes, sore throats, endometriosis, hair loss, and more.
January 2009. Five of the children and I begin intensive treatment in Arizona. Two more children join us mid-January. All 11 of us test positive for the presence of aflatoxins.
February 1, 2009. Chris drives a U-Haul full of mattresses and radio equipment to Tucson. We move into a furnished rental home with the hope of recovering as a family. Within hours, we have trouble breathing. Several of us develop rashes, and Brandon has three nosebleeds. Something is wrong with the home.
February 2, 2009. Most of us sleep outside. We hear from the home’s owner that pesticides were recently used for termites. We vacate the home and flee to a nearby hotel. We begin a search for a safe home free of pesticides and mold.
February 16, 2009. We move into a tiny three-bedroom home in a remote area of Tucson. The home is new and has never been sprayed. We buy air mattresses. Seven of us sleep in one room. We begin again.
February 17, 2009. We begin the regimen of nasal sprays, supplements, diet changes, and exercise. We consider staying in Arizona for another year.
August 14, 2009. We move into a larger four-bedroom home, determined to continue the rigorous work required to recover.
September 15, 2009. We receive mold testing results that show the new house is clear and safe for our family. We had done thorough testing upon learning of numerous plumbing/mold issues in the neighborhood.
October 4, 2009. It has been one year since we vacated our home. We reflect as a family on our progress and our remaining health issues. We look forward to using our knowledge to continue our recovery and to help others.
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The following list is taken from the book Mold Warriors by Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker. These are symptoms of biotoxin illness (biotoxin definition: poison produced by and derived from an animal or plant). According to Dr. Shoemaker, "Symptoms exhibited from the exposure to biotoxins affect everyone differently. This extensive listing is…
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I literally cried reading this. I moved out of a house about 3 months ago that had mold. I only lived there a little under a year but I am still so sick. I’m only 26 and I have been tested for everything from cancer to thyroid disease. I can’t get any answers. I itch all the time, I have rashes, blisters, wheezing, itching on my hands, bladder pain, a swollen salivary gland, candida, anxiety, depression, and I have developed systemic allergies to everything.
Will this ever get better ?
Yes, Hannah life will get better for you. I’m sorry this had to happen at such a young age, but you will learn much from this experience that will benefit you down the road. Did you bring your possessions with you? This may or may not be an issue for you. Hang in there – you’ll get answers. Feel free to email me directly and we can talk more.
I’m going to write my story down and email it to you… we had a similar situation, although no where near as extreme as yours sounds… and my gut told me to move. So we moved…. I’ll send you my story… it scares me to think where we would be now if we hadn’t moved.
Please do send it to me, Cheri! andrea@it-takes-time.com
Wow I have a five and a half month old baby who was nine weeks early. I have alot of the symptoms you described! Wow My landlord rented to me knowing that the place was infested with mold he painted over it several times. My home health nurse told me I had to leave immediatly. I did who do I contact so can get me and my baby tested. The place is infested. He just had heart surgery three weeks ago. I have been getting dizzy and many of the same symptoms. How do I get us tested the doctors are dumb founded??
So sorry to hear this, Somer. I would consider treating this apartment like a fire and get to “high ground”. This article may help get you started:http://it-takes-time.com/mold-microbes/beginners-guide-toxic-mold/
You can email me directly at andrea@it-takes-time.com
We are having a lot of health problems. Not diagnosed yet but our story is similar to the health problems you and others described and getting worse. I’m scared. We need to get out. Do we leave everything? Can we take anything? Our funds are none but trying to hang on to our jobs , my son and I. I found mold, black.
Hi everyone.
I have had several experiences with black mold. Most recently, we moved into a new apartment on the first floor and my family began noticing related symptoms. My wife would get skin irritations, we would sneeze, I would get headaches only when in the apartment, my 9 yo son’s sleep pattern was disturbed and he would awake multiple times at night, catch colds easily at school, and he had frequent nose bleeds and would snore. Eventually I noticed visible signs of black mold. To confirm, I hired an environmental specialist who came in and took air samples in each room and outside the apartment. Cost ran about $300 including a full report.
If this happens to you, look at your state government website for laws and requirements of apartment management and what they have to do if their tenants are exposed to mold. If you find mold, DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING and contact a lawyer. Management will likely ask you to sign a liability release before moving you – DON’T DO IT. In my state, they are required to immediately find you another apartment if possible to move to. DO NOT SIGN A NEW LEASE without consulting an attorney. Signing contracts and liability waivers may keep you from having the option to take them to court to recoup medical expenses which can be astronomical as you have read in this article.
If you are a homeowner, make sure your policy covers mold. I am lucky. In our first home, we had a pipe leak in a closet right where it went into the crawl space. It went un-noticed for weeks. Eventually, I began smelling a musty smell and found mold. Our insurance company was awesome. We had a team come in and do a full top-to-bottom two floor remediation, replacing all carpets, the crawl space and much more. It took a few weeks and we stayed in a hotel.
Be very careful about what furniture, linens, towels you keep. You may want to get rid of it depending on a number of factors. If you opt to keep clothes, etc, research how best to clean them. Do your research. We were not comfortable keeping some of our things due to proximity. Others were more isolated away from the mold. Ask an expert for their advice.
I had a mold reading done in our home and it was over 3 million as an air sample and I have had severe headaches sinuses problems and have had to get get of all my furniture and everything everything. Is there anything that will ever get rid of this the antiboitics do not work. I am waiting ro see an alergenetist.
There are detox and treatment options, Rhonda. This post should help:
Thanks for putting all of this down here. It is a real service for me. All the first hand accounts for this condition are so valuable, great resource.
At this point, where are you guys on 1-10 scale of health would you say? With 10 being a return to ‘normal health’ before this ordeal?
I am working on gathering more resources, are there any FB groups that you know of with mold patients, survivors, practitioners, etc?
Thanks for all you have done here.
I would say we are between 7 and 8. The chemical sensitivity is much better, the traumatic response to environments is better, I would say it’s mostly brain function that I believe will continue to improve.
There are several toxic mold survivor groups on FB. Do a search and see which one appeals to you. I don’t do much with toxic mold groups at this point so I don’t have a specific recommendation.
Thanks for the encouragement, Bryan.
Thank you so much for teaching us so much!
Thanks for taking the time to read our story!
This is horrible. Can’t imagine all your family has gone through. To have a nice home and just have to leave it plus al the pain, suffering, and expense. I can’t see how anyone ever recovers from so much devastation.
Thank you Charlotte. We’re definitely still in the recovery phase. 🙂
Hi Andrea I read your story and really appreciate you taking the time and effort to put it online. I’m in a rental unit right now and it has mould in the basement and him it’s a white mould because there’s spiders that are that are white and it’s a basement that has moisture. The basement is has been leaking from the walls when I rains and it has when it rains a good street while then there there is rain that comes from the gravel underneath the cement floor comes up into the basement and has rotted some of the posts a little bit that hold her house up. There is a mushroom that is on the bottom part of the pad that has the furnace on top and well you guessed it I’m sure you do you can kind of get an idea. This past Saturday I cleaned out part of my bedroom and found some old clothes clean them up but didn’t clean them up soon enough. My son and I were sick we had stomachaches and headaches he had worst headaches than me I had so many of the symptoms that I had the top 10 or whatever it was for mould exposure weakness sometimes even overwhelmingly making this and stomach and headaches and yeah lack of memory
L so where do I go from here? Do I have to go through some test to the doc to see the doctor now that I’ve cleaned up the movie clothes or do I just bear with their weakness until he gets better?
This post may help answer these questions:http://it-takes-time.com/mold-microbes/beginners-guide-toxic-mold/
This sounds like a serious mold problem, so I would continue to pursue this and not let it go.
Did your son’s tinnitus (ringing in the ears) ever go away? Do you know for sure if mold was the causative factor?
It started within weeks after the botched remediation and the huge exposure – so yes I think the mold triggered it just as it did the type 1 for my son. This is my gut feeling.
We are having issues also. We have vissble mold in the bathroom on the ceiling. Of course we are being told it is just surface mold and all our symtoms are in our heads because not everybody in the home is sick. I have RA already so im sick .my grandaughter is 3 months old she is sick and so is my daughter. They have already left the house. But still have days of symptoms they had here. We rent. The basement was previously flooded before we moved in but they said it was cleaned and dry locked. And were very demanding that we have no toxins in this house. We dont have alot of money to have it tested or stay in a motel. Where do we start as renters to get the air tested if no one believes us..thank you for your story
If you want to do testing, the best way is to test the dust. The ERMI is the preferred dust test. See more here:
If there is visible mold and symptoms you can rest assured the two are related. Landlords often dismiss this. If you relocate and refuse to pay rent they will have to deal with it.
Again, you’re not crazy, just smart.
My husband and I got some genetic testing done through 23andMe. He has the gene mutations for mold sensitivity. The gene is HLA with the SNPs rs7775228and rs2155219. He has chronic sinus issues and we think it is because we now live in Panama where EVERYTHING is humid and in our house (We just moved) there seemed to be mold everywhere. We now live in the mountains and can have our windows open all the time, for better airflow. I am hoping it will help him.
I also had a customer who uses my detox foot pads because she had severe mold issues — she is recovering now (Also in AZ I think), and she still uses my foot pads because they help her with her chemical sensitivities. IF you’d like me to put you in contact with her, let me know and I can ask her if she’d talk to you.
Her mold problem originated with the front loader washing machine that can harbor tons of spores if not cleaned completely. Then the spores got into her clothing. And downward spiral from there as you can imagine.
Those front loaders are tough. I need to write a post on that issue alone. I’m glad has improved for you and for your customer! Our chemical sensitivity has improved greatly – very grateful to be able to go down the cleaning aisle again. (Although I still use all natural products – cheaper and safer.) Nice to hear from you.
My daughters family is leaving their home also where can she get detox foot pads.
I’m not sure. I think Amazon carries some.
Whoa…I am completely freaked out :/ This is the most traumatic thing ever! I’m definitely going to start following your blog. I have got to check out my own house. Continued healing, physically, and emotionally to you all. I cannot imagine 🙁
Hi Amy! Thanks for taking the time to read our story. Mold problems are quite common but vary greatly when it comes to severity. Thanks for the encouragement.
Do you know if the mold in your home was caused by a leak? We recently moved into a town house that had mold in the kitchen and basement. Within a month of moving in, we discovered a leak in the basement. A friend of mine told me about using the essential oil “Thieves” for helping with mold problems. I have tried it some, but not the 24-hour procedure that they recommend. I am so anxious to get out of this house!
The Thieves oil can help cope with an existing problem but doesn’t actually eradicate the source. Yes – ours was due to negligent building so there were slow progressive leaks over time.
You have a couple of options:
you can do a dust sample or a tape lift and see what types of mold are present.
Or you can listen to whatever your gut tells you about this. If you feel a need to relocate then I would listen to that. Feel free to email me directly if I can help in any way.
Thanks for being willing to share and be transparent. I know your was an extreme case but I am sure many many others suffer in varying degrees. Hopefully, your article will raise awareness and prompt people to research their own situations. God Bless!
What a kind note, Terrie. Thank you.
I can so relate to what you have been through. Currently my 2 daughters and myself are living in a trailer outside of my home. Our HVAC system is loaded with mold and is the source of the contamination and has blown the toxins and spores throughout the house. We had most of the same symptoms as your family….vertigo,earbleeds,nosebleeds,neurological and pulmonary symptoms. I applaud you for telling your story. I know firsthand that it is not easy to talk freely about this because some people cannot understand that mold could possibly do this to a family. Did you all take cholestyramine to bind the mold toxins? Just curious if just getting out of the exposure was enough for you all to get well.
Best to you and your family
Hi Patty. Good for you for making the connection. We were on CSM for three months. We continued with aggressive detox for another several years and even now continue with herbs and dietary measures. Some people detox more quickly than others. There is a genetic issue involved as well as other factors. Feel free to email me directly if I can support or help in any way.
You’re right – this is highly misunderstood and very lonely at times.
Oh my! I’ve never thought my health issues could be mold related, but as I read your story, I began to reevaluate everything I’ve been through these last 8 years. My children and I moved into a home in 2005 that had been unoccupied for some time. It took 3 months of work to make it suitable to move in. Once we were IN, the problems started. My formerly healthy children stayed sick…..my daughter (3-5 yrs old at the time) was in an out of the hospital with pneumonia…..she was later diagnosed asthmatic. Steroids, breathing treatments, and hospital stays became our life for three years. Within just a years time, all of her beautiful baby teeth eroded down to the gum line. She’d wake screaming in the middle of the night with pain in her legs. Headaches became the new normal. Both of them, despite diligent attention to their teeth, had multiple cavities each visit to the dentist. Their hair stopped growing. My son became very moody, aggressive, prone to sickness…..constant runny nose, skin irritations, etc. My own health plummeted also……pain, numbness and tingling in my extremities, joint pain, fatigue, memory loss, mood swings, hair loss, depression, digestive difficulties, bowels quit working, constant pain in my left ear which worsened at night, esophogeal spasms, rashes, and multiple, frustrating trips to the dr….who never found anything. I’ve dealt with bouts of vertigo, vomiting, feeling as though everything were toppling. How awful that your son felt that continually!
Though we left that moldy place years ago, the health problems are still ongoing…..for me, at least. The children rebounded beautifully, my daughter is now 12 and hasn’t had an asthma attack in 5 years. Most of her symptoms have resolved, with the exception of a couple of things I believe are steroid related. My son has low testosterone, and at 14, still has not reached puberty. Still suffers with low energy, difficulty thinking and problem solving at times. I pulled them both out of public school and now homeschool them now due to the academic challenges they both still struggle with.
I, on the other hand, have gone on to develop so many food sensitivities, it’s a miracle I’m able to eat at all. Gluten, grains, soy, corn, dyes, sugar & artificial sweeteners, dairy, casein, eggs, nitrates &nitrites, chlorine, nightshades, & salicylates. My thyroid went kaput in 2012, and my endocrinologist suspects Hashimotos, as there appears to be an autoimmune attack on the thyroid. I’m also now under the care of a gastroenterologist who is referring me to the Mayo clinic for further evaluation, and a rheumatologist who has done a complete autoimmune diseases panel, & ultrasounds of my joints, & also testing me for Lyme disease…..I get all of those results tomorrow.
It has been a nightmare, but so encouraging to read your story and see that things can improve over time. I hadn’t really considered that mold could have set all this in motion….I knew the house had multiple leaks the landlord wouldn’t fix, so when he sold it, I was glad to go. The lady who bought the house moved her disabled sister in, and she died of pneumonia several years later. Very sad.
Thank you for sharing your story. I’m looking forward to sharing this new information with my dr tomorrow! 🙂
Wow, Shelly – what a connection. Just knowing that history will help immensely as you make your way to the other side. Let me know if I can help along the way.
Thank you! 🙂
Andrea, Thank you so much for your story, but so sorry of what you and your family have gone through! My family and I have a similar story to Shelly Clark. We have been renting our home on the southern california coast for 5 years now, and always asking the doctors if this house could be the underlying problem of my kids ailments gets frustrating when all they say is NO, but have no other conclusions. I actually have my 8yr old home from school for the past 2 days from school because he got another pain in his left knee out of nowhere. This is the second time this has happened to him leaving him immobile and unable to extend it. My 6yr old has had severe grinding of her teeth ever since we have moved in and has gone through so much dental work since she was 2 when we moved here so much so, that she hates the dentist now and would much rather live with the abscesses in her little teeth. It breaks my heart! I have several white fungal splotches all over my body and my husband and 17yr old have severe allergy attacks that come and go, but only when we are home. I have tried everything under the sun it seems! I have switched more than 80% of everything we consume and use to organic non toxic, but still our problems persist when you think that it would help. Your site is such a blessing! Now I know I am not alone , but am very affraid that I am permanently damaging my children from living here and not being able to do nothing about it because we have no funds to move anywhere else.
I am sorry to hear this. Do whatever you need to do to take care of your family and know that you are not alone. Let me know if I can help along the way.
Hi there
So sorry you guys are going through this. I’m considering homeschooling my daughter. I’m certain the school has mold. She was in the Clinic 2-3x a week with nausea, headaches. Our apartment has black mold, I’m certain. Getting ERMI on Friday. Landlord of course insists it’s not mold.
Anyway something that stuck out at me with your post- your boy having left knee pain. My daughter has that too. Has he been tested for Lyme?
I suffered from mold too and had nearly all your symptoms and finally found that drinking food grade diatomaceous earth in water was the biggest miracle for me. I will be forever grateful for D.E. and highly recommend it.
Hi Shelly,
I am TERRIBLY sorry for what you and your family went through. I have a 9 year old daughter who has been ill for almost 2 years with no doctor able to tell us why. I had just about landed on chronic fatigue syndrome when we discovered we have mold from a long time leak. We are waiting on air quality results and type of mold. Her symptoms are fatigue and severe constipation. She cannot have a bowel movement on her own and hasn’t been able to since last October. We do enemas. She missed 2 months of 2nd grade, all of 3rd, and now in 4th can only go for a few hours. I noticed you said your bowels stopped working. I am hoping that this is the cause of her illness because it has been a mystery but I read nowhere that people have constipation. She does have the pain ppl mention inner fingers. I just wanted to ask you about what you meant your bowels stopped working. Thank you so much! Anyone who’d like to comment please do. I’ve been heartbroken for my little girl.
Constipation and digestive issues were a huge issue while living in the home. I’d be happy to look over any test results with you. Once you get the report you can email me directly: andrea@it-takes-time.com.
Wow, this account gives me the chills. My family unknowingly moved into moldy house a few years ago. My middle son began having respiratory issues within the first weeks of living there. I began having lung irritation which developed into a lung infection. I noticed it would flare up in the rear areas of the house, which contained the bedrooms. I connected the symptoms to mold exposure when I recalled my stepdaughter had similar experiences in a house she lived in as a young girl. I had never had experience with mold prior to this and figured the mild in the windowsills and bathroom simply had to do with the humid climate we now lived in.
However, once the mold made its appearance on walls, carpets, underlayments, etc., I knew there was a deeper issue. A pest control person who inspected under the house told me there was a lake of water sitting under the those back bedrooms. It never dried! By this time, my son was diagnosed with asthma and had some scary episodes with pneumonia and the flu. His doctors and our landlord scoffed at my mold theory although I presented research and talked to experts. We were referred to an allergist, who knew it was a mold problem right away. He gave us a letter directed to our landlord stating we were to be released from our lease with no penalty or he would have his attorney deal with the situation!
We were relieved to be able to get out of that house and basically camped out in the dining room and kitchen, which were the only rooms the mold didn’t make our throats itch, until we could move. Thankfully it was only a couple of weeks.
I wanted to somehow alert the public about the landlord’s unwillingness to fix the mold problem and sue her for medical damages. Unfortunately, the county I lived in had little recourse for tenant’s rights. I was told by an attorney in the nearest larger city that he only knew of one mold-related lawsuit which won and it cost the plaintiff thousands of dollars which I didn’t have. I was also advised to be careful how I alerted the public of this matter as I could be sued for slander. My former neighbors did alert the new tenants of the mold issue, at the very least.
Interestingly, when I had a mold test performed, there was no presence of “black mold”. There were many other strains, however. It seems individuals can develop health problems when exposed to any kind of mold, especially in allergy sensitive people. Many do not realize this and it is an important point.
My family members can now sniff out the musty smell of mold which tells us to clear out of any building that has that distinctive odor. My son cannot play outside on a misty day because inhaling the mold spores on mist always causes an asthma attack. We vacation in dry climates, which always dries his lungs out. Thankfully, we live in a cool and wet area. I cannot imagine the mold that must be present on hot and humus climates! I would be afraid to take him there, honestly. I was very surprised to read you lived in Colorado but it seems faulty plumbing trumps dry air.
Thank you for sharing your incredible story. I am going to direct your website to everyone I speak with that has these issues. I have made many parents aware of the dangers of mold. Even the Bible states to destroy buildings infested with mold in Leviticus 14:39-47. It is a terrible and toxic substance that more families need to be educated about.
I pray for the continued recovery of your family…
You’re wise to trust your instinct on this. You are so right about the connection. Thank you for sharing your story here. I am confident it will help others. Thanks for your encouragement too.
My front loader may be the culprit. There’s black in the rubber gasket. Does that still mean we have t move or just throw the washer out?
It depends on whether or not the washing machine is the only source of if it’s reflecting something going on in the home. If you feel the home is the problem, then I would listen to your gut as to what to do next.
What a harrowing story – glad to hear that your family are on the road to recovery and thanks for sharing.
I finally have a diagnosis of biotoxin poisoning are over 5 years of being ill with sinus troubles, upper respiratory, candida, insomnia, asthma, fatigue, ear infections. My urine test shows high levels of trichothecene mycotoxins and blood test shows high levels of 14 different molds on the lab test by lab corp. I have staph infection in the sinuses which seems to be common amongst mold afflicted patients.
I was exposed to mold in two homes I have lived in over the last 6 years. Gradually my health deteriorated – I had my jaw cleaned out to relieve toxic overload as well as following a fairly clean diet with detox protocols, IV C etc. I believe this allowed me to function as well I did even though at this point I hadn’t considered mold to be the issue.
I have just this past week started the Dr Shoemaker protocol and frankly I am just relieved to finally understand why my health is the way it is. It’s not all in my head, it’s a real and devastating illness. I will see how I improve after this regime. The first week has been up and down but all in all doable. Thankfully I no longer live in the moldy homes.
I totally understand what you’re saying – it’s a relief to have an answer! If I can ever encourage you along this difficult journey let me know Deborah.
Hi , I don`t even know where to start but first- THANK YOU for sharing your story.
At this time we are very sick. Myself, my 6 and 8 year old and my husband mildly.
We live in Southern California. We have lived in the same house -condo since 2002. Last week we turned on our Ac and I smelled this dirty, damp odor again. I started thinking about mold.
Our time line from 2005-2014- bed rest 1 st pregnancy, our son, injured at birth, torn sternomascloid muscle-surgery at 17 months old/repair; tongue tie surgery at 24 months; -asthma allergies, acid reflux, sensory processing disorder, auditory processing disorder, aspergers syndrome, adenoids removal; multiple respiratory infections, severe nut , soy, wheat, corn ,egg whites allergies, Hashimoto thyroid autoimmune and Rheumatoid arteritis, adrenal failure 2014 and as of 2013 December-Lyme disease. Severe cognitive, memory issues, Failure to gain weight and slowed growth. Severe insomnia, early waking @ 5 AM since a baby. Was never able to nap at home. Always anxious, irritable,
Our Daughter- allergies /food sensitivities, GI multiple ongoing issues , severe eczema .irritable, anxiety,, memory issues, slow growth and failure to gain weight, testing for possible adrenal fatigue and thyroid condition at this time as well as for Lyme. Poor sleeper, still wakes up at night at 6 years old, fatigued; Poor napper to non existent since baby.
Both kids- many MANY visits to allergists and ENT and neurologists etc,,,
Myself-at this time, I am bed bound, extreme lethargy, body pains, adrenal fatigue and thyroid affected; cognition problems, memory problems, Lyme disease. Allergies asthma started in 2007 ,mid pregnancy with my DD ( never had them before), severe walnut, avocado and shellfish allergy appeared in 2008. Severe insomnia, night terrors,
My husband has severe acid reflux, dark circles under his eyes, had skin cancer in 2012. Allergies, asthma.
I am sure I am forgetting something, my memory is really bad I have never been this sick. My kids have been through the ringer.
Where should we start? Air samples? Dust samples? Is there a website that send reputable team -with masks etc and knows not to cut in walls so spoores don`t get in the air etc..-your article was eye opening…
I would appreciate your reply.
Thank you so sincerely.
I’m sorry to hear all of this, Eva. With symptoms like this it might be wise to relocate to see if you feel some relief. You are wise to approach this with great caution. A dust sample is one of the best ways to get an idea of what is going on this home. You will find three labs listed in the post “Where Do I Begin?”
Feel free to email me directly andrea@it-takes-time.com
I went to make coffee in our coffee pot and realized I had forgotten coffee in it (sometimes I make a whole pot and intend on finishing it later in the day with another cup) and the grounds. There was mold growing in the grounds and the coffee. How do I dispose of this?? I’m afraid to put it in my car to drive it to the garbage. I guess the only way is to put it in a plastic bag and carry it to our dumpster? I’m afraid to touch it.
You’ll be fine taking it to the dumpster. A contained amount of mold like this won’t do serious harm to your health. Certainly wouldn’t hurt to wear gloves or whatever makes you feel comfortable. The key is spotting it and not consuming it.
Reading posts on a health page & ran across this blog being posted. Read ur story & thought hey that sounds like a girl’s story I met at the airport last year! Small world. Happy to see this story is helping others.
Found your story after searching for mold symptoms, etc. I’m so glad you told your story and pray for your families continued recovery. I have fibromyalgia and Graves thyroid disease. Over the past few yearsi have been getting some bizarre health issues I think may be mold related. Some seem to get better in the spring and early summer, but then I go down quickly when the air conditioner is put in and again when the heat goes on. I have constant ringing in my head, not just my ears, digestive issues, nausea, bloating, pains I never had before, tingling, numbness, feelings of something biting me, strange skin bumps and rashes, severe anxiety, insomnia and really bad racing thoughts. Most of these go away when I go by my sisters after a few weeks of being there. She lives in Washington and I live in Wisconsin. We were also overrun by mice in our garage and house about 4 years ago and literally got in everything, drawers, heating vents, stove and found urine and feces everywhere. Very bad in garage. They started out there and made their way into the house. We cleaned what we could, but I can smell mouse urine all the time. I can actually taste it and smell it. Anyway, I’m sure that may have something to do with my health too, but really do believe there is mold in here because I can smell it. My ex husband that I live with doesn’t smell anything and is not sick. The more I read about mold, the more I’m convinced this is part of my problem. We’ve talked about moving, but I’m too sick to look for a place and he works. He does the cooking, shopping, etc. since I’m to sick most of the time.
My question is how do you go about finding a doctor to test you for mold illness. If you move do you always have to leave everything behind? I’ve read mold can grow on everything depending on what kind it is. I live in a small town and don’t believe there is anyone here that really deals with this. I also have severe chemical sensitivities to so many things and have problems eating certain foods that never bothered me before. I could go on and on, but I would appreciate a response at your earliest convenience with any ideas on what to do. I tried moving to an apartment last year and got sick there to cause there was mold in the toilet tank and I believe other places. I can’t stay at my sisters forever and I really have nowhere to go.
We were in Colorado October 4 to the 11. We visited Estes park, Colorado Springs, Denver, Manitou springs and had a wonderful time. We have been planning to go to Arizona the week before Christmas, but don’t know for sure yet. I literally had to force myself to go on the last trip cause I feel so sick. I relate to your children, especially the part of feeling like you’re dying and no one can figure out why.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Hi Dona,
Many times you can be your own physician in terms of knowing if a certain environment is causing you problems. I would trust your instincts as you travel this path. Environment and health are very related. Testing an environment is a good idea when it comes to mold. If you feel you have been injured by mold there are many alternative practitioners and some conventional doctors who can help. Truth about Mold has an excellent list of physicians who treat mold in their resources section.
I am grateful for having read your timeline. I lived in an apartment that had a chronic musty smell. Black mold grew in the corners and on the window panes when it was damp and warm. This might be normal but the mustiness coming from the kitchen cupboards that ran an outside wall was a big concern. I lived there for 5 years and my health deteriorated to where I have irreversible kidney damage and rheumatoid problems. I went to a different apartment but it also had mold problems. Landlords do not fix the problems but cover them up making it look fixed. Over time the problem begins to show itself, The dollar comes before health I guess. Getting mold exposure to be taken seriously is something that needs to be done and your article is a big step. As for me, I am doing my best to get myself well. Getting a doctor to believe that mold exposure is an issue is not easy. I am very much afraid to go and rent an apartment anymore as I have difficulty trusting a landlord to be honest with me about issues of mold. I am living with my son right now, I will be sharing your article with him. Great job and I continue to hope you and your family will heal.
Margaret, You have done well to make this connection. You’re right – it is tough to get the medical profession to embrace something as clear as this. Toxicity creates health problems and unfortunately not a lot of training is given in the area of environmental medicine. I’m happy to support you in any way I can.
I’ve black mold in my bathroom. I ignored it for long before I started falling apart and my body ached so bad that I felt old. Then I stumbled upon an article by chance and noticed the black mold in my bathroom ceiling. But my parents are not ready to get the mold treated or to consider it toxic at all. I have got it painted with bleach to kill the mold but my parents are not allowing any more treatment done to it. for them, it is a regular thing, just a discoloration and it doesn’t matter.. So, I’m dying and I wish it happens soon so that my parents finally realize that there was something wrong for sure.. But yes, I’ve got my answers now that why my sister is Type-1 diabetic and why my brain is slow and my joints hurt. Looking at my parents’ ignorance, I’m sure we have been exposed to molds in different houses we have lived in since childhood..!
I’m sorry to hear this. Feel free to email me directly andrea@it-takes-time.com You are right that there is likely a relationship between your family’s health and this mold. Bleach does not kill the fungi beneath the wall surface – this is why it’s coming back.
Dear Andrea, I’m so glad you and your family have made it out and into a safe home. It can be such a battle but when others share the details like you have it can make the journey easier for us. Thank you for sharing and doing all that you do.
Nice to hear from you, Michellina. I appreciate your encouragement very much.
Andrea, I would understand throwing out the couch and bed and fabric things, but can things like metal tables or plastic tables just be wiped down. I am very concerned.
It all depends on the health of the individual and the severity of the issue. This post should help: http://it-takes-time.com/2016/02/23/toxic-mold-and-possessions-2/
Thanks for sharing your Family’s Journey. It is a battle and trying to find a physician who believes you are not crazy is difficult in Canada. My symptoms are different than those of your family but then everyone is unique. I taught in a school for 20 years that had undetected mould. I became hoarse whenever I entered the school, the district finally
tested and found mould throughout the school. The amount of time I had to take off to recover from hoarseness made me realize I had to quit for my health. My sensitivities to environmental toxins has now increased and hoarseness continues to be an issue for me. Fertilizers, perfumes, dryer sheets, cleaning products and on it goes. Borax is my cleaning product of choice now. Thanks for sharing
Thank you for taking the time to share a snippet of your story, Brenda. It’s quite a journey that’s for sure. So glad to have connected with you.
I’m so sorry that your family has had to endure so many health issues due to mold. It breaks my heart. However, I’m happy you shared your story. I don’t think people realize just how dangerous this issue can be.
My family is also dealing with black mold. We have lived in the mold infested house for over 20 years, however I think the problem has escalated greatly over the last 5 years. I’m 24 years old and the oldest of two children. Over the years I have been to the doctor for many issues and each time my blood work comes back healthy. I have suffered with headaches, stomach and digestive issues, extreme fatigue, shortness of breathe, brain fog and confusion, inability to concentrate, dizziness, anxiety and depression.
My younger sister is and has been dealing with countless issues as well including everything I listed for myself. She goes through periods where she vomits at least once daily if not many times. She gets so sick she cannot eat and it breaks my heart.
My mother is aware of the black mold but refuses to leave the house and wants to solve all of the issues herself. I feel as though she is too proud to get help and has worked far too hard on the house to leave it behind. I cannot convince her to get professional help or leave. I feel very stuck. I am in the process of getting my own place but fear for my sister and mother’s health.
You’re wise to relocate, even if you can’t convince your family members. If your mom would be willing, it would be a good step to do a dust sample. They’re offered at momsAWARE and this can often make a toxic situation real. I’m sorry to hear all of this Charlee.
Hi Andrea. Thank you so much for taking the time to recount your family’s journey to recovery. My heart goes out to you and your whole family. Reading portions of this is like looking in a mirror! I have just recently started connecting the dots with the rental home I’ve lived in for over five years and seemingly random flare-ups of strange neurological symptoms. I have been diagnosed with Meniere’s Disease and investigated relentlessly by a neurologist for possible Multiple Sclerosis (I have another MRI tomorrow, actually). I just noticed a significant pattern between my acute symptomatic flare-ups and heavy rain, which is easy to track because I live in Southern California, where we are having a historic drought! It rains SO infrequently, but after each rain, I have experienced flares, which I had been convinced were autoimmune in nature. Now I suspect they may be triggered by something in the environment that flourishes with the wet weather and is attacking my immune system. My abbreviated timeline looks like this:
September — Moved to house
December — Heavy rain (roof/ceiling started leaking December 20)
March — Roof/ceiling repairs finally completed early March; Repairs poorly done; Water damage not addressed.
April — First symptom flare-up (went to urgent care for ringing/discomfort in ears); escalated into vertigo and roaring in ears by May and lasted approx. six months
June — Diagnosed with Meniere’s Disease
July — First spinal tap following MRI with inactive lesions; results negative
October/November — Heavy rain
November — Second symptom flare-up; muscle twitches and shock sensations in back; ended around Christmas 2012 when we left the house
May — Heavy rain
June/Summer — Third symptom flare-up in June; lightheaded/ringing in the ears; was feeling better by September but not ideal
[2014 was the third driest year on record. Low symptoms all year.]
September/October/November — MRI change in September; new white matter plaque present; still no active lesions. Second spinal tap on November 13; results inconclusive
January — Started Autoimmune Protocol diet/lifestyle
February 28-March 3 — Heavy rain
Early March — Acute episode of anxiety/vomiting, followed by months of digestive distress
January 4-7 — Heavy rain
January 14 — Fourth symptom flare-up; extreme heaviness in limbs, fatigue, barely able to stand or work
February 12 — Visible mold documented in bathroom; assessed as risk by Servpro while landlord was present
I have become alarmed enough about this really clear trend that I have removed myself from the house, as of yesterday. My husband and I found a new apartment, and are currently staying in a vacation rental until we can move to the apartment later in March.
I am scared about contaminating our new space with stuff from our old house. What do you recommend for cleaning everything? Also, how can I find a medical practitioner to work with on treatment and beginning to heal? This field seems rife with people trying to take advantage of people’s fears and desperation. I want to make sure I find a professional who knows what they are doing. Your guidance would be so very appreciated.
I’m sorry to hear this, Evelyn. You are wise to make this connection and then to vacate. With this type of exposure, it is always best to proceed with caution when it comes to your belongings. Can you email me directly? andrea@it-takes-time.com
Thank you for sharing this with everyone. We moved into a rental home about 15 months ago and our whole family has been sick ever since. We are going to the doctor or a specialist all the time. I am aware this home had severe mold issues and moisture in the crawl space in 2011. That was remediated then. There have not been any mold issues that I’m aware of since. However, since we moved into this rental home in 2015 my 8 year old has been experiencing dizziness that sometimes leads to vomiting. These dizzy spells have caused her to miss a lot of school. She has been referred to several specialists – cardiologist and a neurologist. The dizzy spells come and go but have become more frequent. Still no definite answers as to the cause. My 1 1/2 year old began experiencing wheezing and breathing issues about 2 months after we moved in. He’s been hospitalized twice since then for breathing issues and low oxygen levels. He’s had pneumonia, bronchiolitis, and seems to stay sick all the time. He’s been put on steroids and is always on antibiotics for something. We are in the pediatrician’s office almost every week and sometimes multiple times per week. Everyone told us that he’s just sick because he’s building up his immune system and exposed to daycare. However, we’ve observed the other children in his class aren’t getting sick as frequent as he is. He develops a new cold as soon as he gets rid of one. We’ve now been referred to an asthma / allergy specialist. My husband has developed respiratory/sinus related issues and coughing that won’t seem to go away. I’ve had an irregular thyroid since we moved in as well and I’m only 38. We recently discovered mold in most of our windows inside the house. I’m wondering if it’s as simple as from the condensation in the aluminum Windows or if we have a larger problem related to the 2011 mold problem under the home . What do you recommend our next steps be since we are renting this home? After reading this article, I’m now very concerned about the health of my family. My gut is telling me that something isn’t quite right.
You’re wise to make this connection. As daunting as it is, it can’t hurt to down this road. There is a dust sample that is often a good next step. I discuss it in this post.
Feel free to email me with further questions,
Keep trusting your mother’s instinct.
Hello Andrea !! Thanks for sharing your story!! I have been living in a mold ridden apt for over 28 years and was practically homebound for the last several years.I know I need to leave here and move but I have been procrastinating year after year causing me to not be able to get out of my bed.I have been a hoarder for many years hoarding over about 5,000 pieces of clothing and shoes that are basically all new and never have been worn.I have the clothing and shoes stored in heavy duty garbage bags tied tightly stacked up in piles with large sheets covering them and I also have brand new hair and skin oils and photo albums stored in large plastic bins with lids on.My question is can I take the new clothing in the plastic garbage bags and stuff in the plastic bins with me when I move ? I also have a brand new desk top computer that has been sitting on a desk for about 3 years but only used it about twice.Can I take this computer with me if I wipe it down with vinegar or alcohol ? I also have pictures in frames ,supplements ,herbal tinctures, birth certificates and important papers that are in envelopes and laying open in air.Can I take the pics out of the frames and wipe down the supplement bottles and herbal tinctures and take my important papers? I do not want to recontaminate wherever I move to with mold!!! I feel very overwhelmed because the clothes are worth at least $500,000.Iam all alone doing this move and have no emotional support or help.Do you know where I can get some emotional support on how to let go of this apt and belongings and take the leap and step out of my comfort zone where I have been living the past 28 years.If you know of anyone who can help or support group in the NYC area that can help me or a place to move to that is mold free ? I would love to talk with you if you want my phone number.This is all very overwhelming and very scary to me since Iam totally alone and have no friends or family to help and I do not want to bring mold with me wherever I move.Help!!!
This is tough. Far better to store things and bring them in one at a time. You can’t lose to be cautious, Elizabeth. Feel free to email me directly at andrea@it-takes-time.com
It’s horrible to me to think that MDs know so little about mold. I’m amazed and horrified at all you all had to go through and how dick you became and no one suspected mold. I’m also very lucky that my MD had gone through a similar thing, learned all about mold and became first a client of Dr Shoemacher and she now is one of the few mold specialists certified by Dr Shoemacher. She told me early on that more than half the building in the U.S. have been water-compromised (leaks, floods, etc) and mold is present. You can’t smell mold, often you can’t see it. The mold in my house was aspergillis and made me very sick. People are sick and going bankrupt because insurance doesn’t cover mold. Something has to be done about mold costs and health related effects of mold.
Yes, it’s not always evident and you’re certainly right that something must be done about this. The more who are educated like yourself the better.
Thank you for telling your story! We are just beginning our nightmare! We have no idea how long we have been exposed. I have an 11 year old that was 8lbs 5oz at birth. She now is the size of an 8 year old at best. She suffered from headaches, nausea, and stomach aches. She has suffered with asthmatic symptoms in the past, had to take Zyrtec daily and also breathing treatments every day. She has always suffered with extreme constipation. She has vision problems (mild near-sightedness and major astigmatism). She is allergic to dairy. Teachers have mentioned ADHD. We can teach her something one day and she get’s it. The next day, we start at the beginning. My menstrual cycle has almost stopped. I have a weird rash on my face that won’t go away. I discovered that I have a huge lipoma on my left side. My husband has a lot of major issues. My oldest daughter suffers from rashes, history of miscarriage, anxiety, and many other symptoms. My son has digestive issues, yeast overgrowth, allergies, etc… We took the 11 year old to a Holistic Doctor. They tested her for 96 different things, and found one item present. She has Aspergillus in her gut! She started treatment April 18, and we moved into our camper the same day. She is the only one being treated right now, but our symptoms have improved. She has been staying with my inlaws (across the street) all summer (since she started actual detox). She has gained 5 pounds and grown an inch since April. That has never happened! My menstrual cycle has been like clockwork since May. We discovered our crawl space is hat prong mold due to a draining issue. We had our yard graded to route water away from the house and keep it dry underneath. A hygienist came out yesterday, and we are now waiting on his protocol, so we can move forward. The information you shared has actually shed a lot of light on other issues that have arisen with our health.
Hi Cindy,
I’m so sorry to hear this…and very glad you made the connection. I’m happy to support you as you walk this journey. You’ll want to be sure they do before and after testing, preferably dust sampling, to see where your levels are after the remediation. I’ll be happy to look over any results with you. This is my direct email: andrea@it-takes-time.com. So glad to hear things have improved since leaving.
Hi there,
I am recovering from mild exposure right now and had appreciated your post about liposomal c with camu camu, ironically I just came to your site to follow your recipe and the page doesn’t exist. Can you personally email it to me?? You do not have general contact info on your site which is I am writing here.
Hi Tiffany,
Here is the post. I published again. See what you think!
My family has been very ill from toxic mold exposure. We had 19,000 black mold spores in our air test. I am dizzy all day. We have been out for 2 months. What supplements did you all take? I’m so tired of being sick..
I’m sorry to hear this, Stacie. Our journey back to health was full of twists and turns. There was no one treatment that helped, just a lot of time and patience. If you haven’t seen this post, it may help:
Hang in there. I know it’s hard.
Hallo im Michelle from Holland wel im in Holland now for treathment i lived in morcocco in a house full of toxic mold….in 3 months i go from a healthy woman to bedridden and so skinny…ive al the symptons its clearly thr mold….but Nobody believed me now im finaly out of the situation since yesterday…can i Recovery from this….i dont want to die im so scared….i can eat almost nothing anymore….and i devolped a water allergy???? Is this possible from mold??? I Mean water???? In Holland we Have the cleanest water in the world and it stil hurts me allot….do you think when i wil stay Here for a while that i can drink normal water again…my husband already searched for a new House…Today i did allot of bloodtesting with the docter i hope he wil find somehting…..Im Sorry al this happend to you i know how it feels its terrible :/
I’m sorry to hear all of this, Michelle. Safe housing is the first step. Be very cautious with your belongings as I’m sure you know. Let me know if I can help along the way.
Hi Michelle, my wife went from healthy to bed ridden in 2.5 months. From 130 lbs to 95lbs at 5.3 height. Although she had many many symptoms the worst for her was inability to take a breath or breathe, bloating, acid reflux, belching, burning skin, muscle weakness. She spent about 30 days in the hospital at different times in a 3 month period. The most important step for her recovery was to move away from it. This meant for us to get rid of any thing that was in our home. We could not take anything with us. Let me give you an example to consider. After we moved out of our home and left everything behind, I returned to the house to dispose of our belongs and prepare the house for sale. I found the mold, it wasn’t very much, within 5-10 minutes I couldn’t breath. This lasted 3 months. After it was remediated, I returned to the house to inspect. My breathing was better. I was re-exposed and couldn’t breath for 2 more months. After I got better, there was a coat at my work from my house in my work cabinet. I opened the cabinet up and what ever was on my coat caused me to not breath for a month. I had taken some work papers home for a week or so to our house with mold before my wife got sick, eventually took them back to work. After I was exposed to mold, and came into contact with these papers, they caused difficulty breathing for a few weeks. My mother went to our house because she was coordinating renovation work. After the house passed environmental air testing, new carpet was installed. She vacuumed it. Changed her clothes and visited me at my new apartment. I gave her a hug, and immediately started having breathing difficulty that lasted about 4 weeks. Please deeply consider taking your furniture, clothes with you as you could bring the problem with you. As for my wife, she is a lot better, she can walk now, gained her wait back, most of her symptoms are gone. She does have some breathing problems but she is so much better and she will fully recover from this too. She tells me her breathing is better when she is outside for long periods of time, nearly gone.
This story is so powerful. The one line that strikes me as the most powerful of all is this: “The neurotologist says Reagan needs tough love. I sense there is nothing more he can do.”
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Kim. Yes, that was a turning point for me.
I have heard of Dr. Gray in Benson, i have called his office he is no longer accepting new patients, we have lived in a mold home for 2 1/2 years black mold through house, growing in walls, we had no idea until dishwasher broke down, we have all experience the system you have described, we have since moved out of that home 1 year now, but now live in a home with carpet thorough out, i and my husband and daughter experience headaches daily, and we have had the house checked for wet areas , no mold. My question is would our bodies still the exposure? my 16 year old has now develop migraines, her face swells to foods she eats, and also her cycle is off, one month she will have period, next month she wont, her acne has not gotten better but worst. ,,,she is seeing a thyroid dr also telling us her level are low.. I went to a thyroid dr also, had polyp removed. (most painful)
The only dr for children is in New Mexico. We are in bad shape with money also, i been in and out of hospital with infection of my lung and uti’s . dr still unsure where the infection is coming from. my husband suffers for headaches, even now at this house. I don’t know what to do. . I want help for my daughter.
Can you email me directly? andrea@it-takes-time.com
I have a similar but not as invasive story.. i would really like to discuss somethings with you if you could please get in touch with me id GREATLY appreciate it.
Wow,reading this has hit home really closely. I myself wasn’t aware of the mold problem until I removed a floorboard in my room I lived there for 5 years. I also share alot of the similarities in my children’s illnesses and myself, unfortunately my landlord neglected to fix the problem or even agknowledge that there was a mold problem, it was visiable. After being literally accused of being a liar by my landlord and her failure to fix the problem,I gave my 30 day notice and by doing so I placed me and my 3 children and 2 grandchildren into homelessness. We lost everything we owned. Staying from place to place. It’s horrible are lives are shaken. And we’re struggling to find sum light at the end of the tunnel
I’m sorry to hear all of this. I promise life can get better. Feel free to email me directly andrea@it-takes-time.com
I am a 32 year old special needs woman who lives with my mom in Southern CA. My mom has been having a lot of the symptoms of mold poisoning starting 2015 which caused her to have a bad accident at concert. She is fine for a couple of weeks, but than she has a relapse. My mom was in hospital for one day, a couple of months ago. I think there is mold at where I take karate; she takes me there once a week. I felt dizzy the day after I had karate, last week. Should my mom and I find a different Karate school?
It’s all about listening to your instincts as you navigate this road. Your home is the most critical when it comes to mold-free. I’m sorry to hear about all of this.
Hi, thank you for sharing.
I’m 22 and concerned. The apartment dorms in my college were absolutely a mess with dark mold. On the ceilings, dark and fuzzy all over every vent, and under the carpet (one time some peeled up and we had a look). Complaints to the school were met with dismissal and being told again and again that it was just dirt. I lived there for three years. On top of the unhealthy, overworked school lifestyle the environment caused a quick decline in my health. I had a cough that lasted for over a year, allergy like symptoms, nosebleeds, odd discolored skin patches, anxiety, depression, and most troubling memory issues and my ability to multitask has been halved. It’s hard to tell were this all came from. I’m at least certain the respiratory issues are from the awful air quality in the place…
I’m out of there now but I still have a cough and i’ve started noticing a tightness and trouble breathing when I exercise. I’m not sure if these things are lingering.. I don’t know. I’m worried.
Good job making this connection, Em. If you brought many of your possessions with you, they can aggravate this. They might best be stored for awhile. As for getting your health back, this post should help:
Let me know if I can help in any way: andrea@it-takes-time.com
Thank you so much for telling your story. We are literally in the middle of our own mold survival story. After 2.5 tears of watching my three young children’s (now 3, 6, and 8) health deteriorate, searching and searching for answers, being dismissed my the pediatrician…we discovered there is mold in the walls of our rented house (though no visible on the outside). I am so thankful to our Lord for finally uncovering it. We left a week an a half ago and all our belongings are in the house still. We are leaning towards walking away from it all. I am desperate for any knowledge you have gained. Please email me.
Good job making this connection. I will email you.
Hi Andrea.
I lived in a home moldy home for about 4 months from June last year
I got extremely sick.
I still get really sick now and catch every bug that does the rounds.
Is it connected?
Hi Annabel. Good job making this connection. Even when we leave an environment our interior microbial system comes with us. Mold avoidance, and some of the detox options can help with this.
I grew up in my grandmother’s house with a basement full of black mold, she was always too stubborn to leave and too financially strapped to call someone to take care of it. I had horrible health problems all growing up, I’d stay a couple months with my father or a year with my mom and my symptoms would mostly clear up but every time I went back it got worse and worse. I lived in that house about 15 years on and off, I’m 18 now and finally live on my own. My symptoms are clearing up again, the worst parts were with my thyroid, acne, depression, and rash. I just hope that there aren’t any long term effects of growing up in this environment.
Good job making this connection, Jacqueline. I’m glad you’re able to work on your health outside of this damp basement. Continue to listen to your body and trust your instincts as you navigate this next chapter in your life. Healthy lifestyle choices can go a long way once we’ve left a toxic environment.
Hi Andrea,
My boyfriend has been dealing with a lot of the similar symptoms that your son Reagan was dealing with.
We are so desperate to fins any solution or some answers. He has tried so many remedies, has taken so many medications, has gone to ENTS, Neurologists, Cardiologists, you name it…they all say the same thing from Vestibular Neuritis to Vestibular Migrane, ect, ect…
I however have not given up since I would do anything for the one I love. I have done so much research and recently I’ve been trying to fins a link between the symptoms he has to some type of allergy. However he did tell me that at the time he started getting dizzy and getting random dizzy spells, he was helping his friend fix a house he had bough that had been foreclosed for 10 years. He also mention that he help him tear down the basement that had been flooded with water all the years and the walls were covered with black mold about 6ft high. I am wondering If maybe that caused him to have some type of reaction.
If you could please reach out to me and maybe shine some light.
Thank you for sharing your story.
You are on the right track with this, Maria! Here is more of Reagan’s story. http://it-takes-time.com/2016/07/31/tinnitus-migraines-and-toxic-mold/
I sent you an email. I’m happy to help in any I can.
If one discovers mold in their house is it best to have the whole house tested? As Insurance companies do not seem to want to look into the possibilities! I may be a little nieive when it comes to real possibilities but should anyone rule them out, or have them investigated? If so, are we within our rights to demand that our insurance company does so? After all, we may find ourselves in similar pardiciments as so many of our other insured friends! Do we all pay our taxes and fees only to be treated badly by Insurance Companies, who seem to to take our policies and disregard our true needs as some have been displaced for a year or longer! My condolences to all of you! Is there anyone out there with information regarding what services are available from our government to help? Please inform us, Thanks
With no government standards, and insurance companies wanting to spend the least amount of money, it’s often up to us to test our homes and protect ourselves. The best first step in evaluating your home would be a dust sample. Here’s more information: http://it-takes-time.com/2013/10/17/how-to-test-for-toxic-mold/
Did any of you experience your symptoms come and go? Mine were days apart, now can be snap of the fingers come and go! I suffer , dizzyness, lightheaded, abdomen discomfort pain, ear ringing, jaw pain and tightness, neck trouble, Sinus and head pressure, hot flashes, passed out twice, chest pains, numbness of hands arms, vision trouble, back pain, clogged ears , shakieness, short of breath, lower blood pressure, faint feeling, all become my everyday normal. At times it is worse than others and the symptoms can be all of them at once of a few at a time! This has completely taken over my life.. I have been to MANY DOCTORS and specialists, had many tests done with no real answers!!
Yes, the symptoms came and went when we were living in the house. Are you still living in the home? Feel free to email me directly andrea@it-takes-time.com. What you’re describing is very common for mold exposure.
Since I was 4 years old my family has lived in a home riddled with black mold. My parents being almost in their 60s in 2002. They weren’t aware of the effects of black mold. Wel lived until I was 15 and moved into another home riddled with black mold. Never in my life did I have any sort of illness until I was around 9. I never had chicken poxs although at 9 I developted shingles on the back of my arms the doctors couldn’t explain it. Well as I got old I started getting horrendous rashes on my thighs, hands and arms. Also I never had an mental illness when I turned 18 I become extremely depressed with sever anxiety just writing this comment is stressful. The past couple months it seems like all those symptoms have came together. Symptoms such as fever, loss of appetite, insomnia (sometimes staying awake for a day or two) extreme fatigue, rash on my knuckles with dry skin, lower back pain, difficulty breathing, dry mouth with terrible taste and tonsils stones as well as tight joints in my arms and legs ( I was born with tight tendons in my legs thou) all these symptoms come and. I believe i have developed diabetes. I know I need to go to the doctor but, my anxiety is so bad I won’t allow myself. Thank you for the article if you could reply and let me know if you know of some vitamins or home remedies that would be very much appreciated thank you
Do you know if the home you are in currently is safe? Mold avoidance would be the first line of treatment. Other options include those listed in this post:
Hang in there – it’s a very tough road.
Hello Andrea,
About 2 years ago, I discovered what looks like black mold in one corner of the basement of my rented house. I have been here for 7 years and alerted the house management company of the mold, with photos I took. Nothing was ever done. I asked them again several times over the past year. Meanwhile I had started to lose my voice, at first becoming hoarse, now to the point where it sounds like I have laryngitis. I have had extreme fatigue over the past 2 years. I spend most of my spare time in the basement since that is where my home theater gear is set up. Today on a whim, I googled the effects of mold and was shocked to see fatigue and lossof voice being some symptoms. I also get abdominal pains and tremors. I have alerted the home management again. I called a professional mold removal/detection company today and hope to hear from them tommorow. I have over $10,000 of electronics and another 15,000 of movie memorabilia in the basement. If the mold tests positive for black mold, does that make all of my valuables worthless? Since I notified the owners and they failed to act or even warn me, does that make them liable? I know I probably can’t get my health back to 100% but will I have to dispose of everything in the basement. Does it become airborne? My bedroom is on the 2nd floor and living room, kitchen and dining room on the main floor.
I have seen many doctors and they have me on 3 medications, that are used for Parkinson’s patients. I did see a neurologist and I don’t have Parkinson’s. I also saw a throat doctor who could not figure out my voice issue. After reading this article, I am now convinced it is the mold. Any insight would be appreciated!
I think you’re on the right track with all of this. Your best option at this point is to do a dust sample (ERMI) and see exactly what you’re breathing upstairs. I will email you directly.
Hello Andrea my name is Rebecca. My husband and I together with our cat experienced black mold poisoning 4 years ago when our condo flooded. Our walls were covered in 3 ft of black mold. We continued to live there unaware of the seriousness of living in it. Meanwhile we are waiting on the upstair unit owner to fix the problem. Due to the fact that I had an underlying issue it affected me first. I experienced hives tiredness brain fog memory lapses hallucinations blurred vision paranoid episodes congestion problems breathing hacking cough pain in lungs. My husbands symptoms were different it attacked him in his organs. He experienced renal failure like symptoms. He was in severe pain and when he was able to urinate it was red or brown. Our cat had similar experiences as my husband but his hind legs stopped working. After a few months on the insistence of our oldest daughter we moved in with her. My husband and cat showed improvement immediately since they didn’t have previous health problems. It took me three months and with a lot of research I found my remedy. I felt well enough to go back to work. Going into my 3rd month at my new job. I began having symptoms again. I was once again tired memory loss or lapses. The hallucinations came back even more vivid. And I would pass out for hours depending on what I ate or what side of the building I worked in. I resigned and continued detoxification with natural supplements. I recovered pretty good but I still couldn’t eat certain food that had a high toxicity level. And any time I walked into a building with mold on in I reacted immediately. And then we decided to move back to Houston Dec 2016. It was great now I could drink regular milk and have a Dr Pepper without reacting but i still stayed away from nuts and fruits. Anything with high mold count in it. But after hurricane harvey hit. I came to live with a friend that had mold in his a.c. system. But the worst symptoms seemed to arise when I ride the public transportation system. I become lethargic very confused and completely lost in a city I have lived in for 30 years. Due to my current financial circumstances I am unable to find a cleaner living environment. So my. Symptoms have worsened and I have developed a condition that mimics fibromyalgia. And I began hemmoragin so bad the DRS recommended a blood transfusion .I have hives pain in every joint and muscles painful lumps throughout my body and the new thing that I am experiencing now is small sores all over my body and face. I do have a regimine of supplements i take religiously. It helps but because thereis mold in the apt my body is unable to detox properly. My life savers were Mercola.com and Leeanne Billings book, Mold: The war within. If you wish to know what supplements work for me let me know. I’m still experiencing symptoms but certain supplements keep it tolerable. I know the mental anguish you went thru. I am glad you figured it out but there are still millions of lives going thru it. Drs consider mold poisoning a baby in the being stages of recognizing acknowledging and treating properly. Steroids and antibiotics only make it worse by becoming a breeding ground for more mold to grow. Thank you for getting your story out. That’s exactly what the world needs. God Bless you and your family
Hang in there, Rebecca. Thank for sharing your experience.
I know you posted this a long time ago, but I am just beginning to look into the possibility that the wide set of symptoms I first experienced in high school and have continued with me into college are the result of mold toxicity. My houses basement flooded (unfortunately next to the air vent) and there were many leaky pipes. Since I moved out and left the mold behind years ago, I still have occasional sinus trouble, rashes, and other symptoms pointing towards an immune disorder that first developed years ago as a teenager. In your experience, how long did it take to fully recover from toxicity symptoms (if ever), after leaving the contaminated house? I had symptoms it sounds like were more similar to your daughters’, and I’m not sure if I should still approach a specialist in this area since my exposure was years before.
Thanks for writing about your experience
It’s true that our exposure “moves” with us when we leave an environment. You want to be sure your current home is free of water damage and once you know you’re in a safe home, you can consider any number of possibilities. Diet (eliminating sugar) is one of the best things you can do for any type of fungal growth internally. A neti pot regimen might be good for your sinuses etc. You’re on the right track with this. There’s always hope I believe for improved quality of life once the immune system is disrupted.
I live in Colorado Springs. We have radon in the basement that we have a system for. None of us have ever been healthy. My husband has some sort or bleeding condition that makes him pass out weekly. I don’t think we have any black mold or anything, as we have all had food intolerances, etc. However, are you aware of an inexpensive company that tests the indoor air quality for various things? Just in case? (Our house was made in the 60s)
You can do a dust sample yourself. This test focuses on mold only but with any health issues, it’s good to rule out a hidden problem. Here’s more about the ERMI. (I’m happy to look at any results with you.) http://it-takes-time.com/2013/10/17/how-to-test-for-toxic-mold/
Hello! I found your blog after searching for long-term effects of mold exposure. We lived in a home with mold for 1.5 years. After discovering the mold, we trashed almost everything and started over. While in the home, we had so many of the same symptoms your family experienced.
We’re now 2.5 years out of the home. Most issues have resolved. I’m still left with tinnitus in both ears, fatigue, and a heavy, tight chest.
I have not been able to find Drs who acknowledge mold to be causes of these symptoms, or treatments I can do to relieve the symptoms. Do you have any suggestions?
I’m so sorry for all your family has experienced.
Many functional medical doctors understand the nature of environmental illness. Dr. Shoemaker offers a list of physicians at the Surviving Mold website: http://www.survivingmold.com/shoemaker-protocol/Certified-Physicians-Shoemaker-Protocol
Hi Andrea, Thanks for educating all of us on mold exposure. We discovered a leak in our Southern California home & a remediation company discovered mold under the kitchen cabinets where pots were stored & under our pantry area. The mold was not exposed until they removed the cabinets & cut into the walls. We are currently in the mold abatement stages and even though the remediation company has put plastic up to contain the area, we are still living in the house. My husband and I are both feeling sick. I have a fever and flu like symptoms. In your opinion, is it still safe to live in a house when mold abatement is taking place or should we go to a hotel? The insurance company said that they would not pay for a hotel since our bedrooms are on the 2nd floor and not near the mold. They will be testing for mold after they are done and I will have an area outside of the contaminated area tested. Is the bedroom the most important area to test for mold? If mold is found throughout the home, the remediation company stated that everything could be disinfected….is this possible? Even though we have only been exposed for a couple weeks can we suffer long term damage? I think I will have my blood tested. I have so many questions. I may contact you outside of this blog as we move through this scary mold situation in our home. I’m sorry to hear all of the problems your family went through.
You are asking good questions, Lisa. It’s critical to trust your gut on this as opposed to the remediators. Can you email me directly? andrea@it-takes-time.com
That’s a harrowing story and not 100 percent dissimilar to my own. I make bed to Abu Dhabi in 2012 to Work as a flight attendant and in the first 6 months while training my vision became double. I had to dictate my final exam, but still was allowed to fly. I began to feel better probably because of the layovers but I kept getting dioreah and nausea when back in the apartment I’m abu Dhabi. My flat mate also started getting problems with his sinus. I took down the ceiling cover in my second year there to find the AC pipe was totally black with mold. When the company came to remediate they made the problem worse. I moved and continued to get sick and noticed the when i faced the AC vent I felt worse (extreme spasms in my muscles, and my face dropping like I was having a stroke. .
The company came to remediate again after chasing them up for a number of months. When they did come the AC vent was found to be severely laden with mold and not cleaned for several months. They remediate-I protested their methods- but they carried on and my symptoms became worse.
I began sleeping on the balcony I’m a small amount of quarantined clothing.
After two months on the balcony welfare heard of my situation and moved me to a new building. I began to feel better I loved the building and felt positive.
After a few months though one day I felt sick again and realised the apartment was doing it. A brown stain had begun to emerge on the ceiling. I protested and slept on the balcony again. I decided to cancel renewing my contract and return home to Ireland to set up a photography business. I stayed in an apartment my parents owned. I was not recovering I got rid of everything I owned and kept getting sick.
Eventually I found mold in my flatmates room and a slow leak from the shower.
The floorboards turned out to have mold all over them. I bought a van and slept in that through one winter. The van eventually became moldy and I got a job on a cruise ship I was in a clean cabin and began to recover but was then moved to a moldy one. I got my cabin switched but got another moldy one I slept in the office and came home mid October 2017. I feel like I now have some kind of brain damage and arthritis in my kneck shoulder and hip. My energy is poor. And in my country Ireland there are 0 certified physicians. One comfort I have is engaging in things that I find meaningful like writing this. And imagining the face of Jesus dying on the cross with a crown of thorns and imaging he is with me through this.
I’m very glad you took the time to share your story. It will help validate others who are going through the same thing. There are several treatments that don’t require a physician. The brain retraining is one. Mold avoidance is also a treatment, which you are clearly trying to do. Again, thanks for sharing your experience. Here is the post on treatment options: http://it-takes-time.com/2015/08/25/toxic-mold-treatment/
Andrea, we recently moved into an apt that I found out had been badly flooded. I have been sick and have had severe migraines ever since we moved here a month ago. Before we moved here I never suffered from such severe sinus headache and migraines. I started looking around our apt for signs of mold and surprisingly have found it in my bedroom and bathroom . I’m not sure if it is the bad kind but there is a lot of it and am wondering if it is what is making me sick. I have noticed my vision seems to be getting blurry and just thought I might need new glasses but afte mr researching mold might think it might be from that. We have honestly only lived here a little over a month and I have never had such severe migraines or allergies like this before. What should I do? Move?
I would listen to your gut on this. It’s clear something is off with this apartment. I would consider relocating immediately. I might even treat it like a fire for right now. You don’t want to bring the problem with you. You can either then test the apartment or simply store your things until you find safe housing.
I feel dumbfounded by this article. I literallly experienced an epiphany about all the health problems I’ve experienced while living in this house. I just realized that there was mold in the wall from a leak that I assumed had been fixed shortly after moving in. Well it wasn’t. I’ve had a some surgeries while living here and I have had infections and compilations every time. Lately I have noticed that I have ADHD x10 and have the hardest time keeping a thought straight in my head. I’ve just had surgery for a discectomy and of course got an infection. Since revealing the mold in my room of course, I have had the worst allergies and my throats feels as if it is literally on fire. My glands are swollen and my face is very puffy. Also I have been depressed dispite heavy medications. I have had a bad headache for days now. I feel like running to the ER.
So after all that can you please let me know if you feel that I should immediately contact my Dr? Even if I sea up my room I’m afraid that I’ll still have so much spores throughout the house. Not sure where to start.
You’re on the right track. Your first step may be to relocate and stay with friends or family until you can determine the best course of action. Often a clean break is necessary. This post should answer your questions.
Wow!!! This story is intense. I just found out yesterday after a biofeedback that I am full of mold (5x normal numbers) and I’m not sure where I was exposed to it! Not sure if it’s my apartment now or my old one. I have been very sick since Nov 2017. Severe vertigo and dizziness, nausea, super irregular periods, no period at all for 4 months, sore throat, severe body aches, headaches and more recently shortness of breath. I’ve ended up in the ER, i’ve had everything done to lab work, mri’s, chest x rays…. the list goes on. Everything was normal. I’m scared i’m never going to be able to get it out of my system! Do we get rid of everything? How do I detox. I’m lucky to have an amazing holistic doctor, but I am still so scared. Thanks for sharing your story.
I forgot to mention that my husband has also been sick with body aches and coughing and he never gets sick! We are both 27. It seems like we really got sick since we moved to our new place early November, but our place before that had leaked from rain so i’m not sure if it was from there. Maybe both? I also am in Colorado and thought it was dry enough here to not worry about it. Boy was I wrong. Our poor dog has started to hack recently as well. I hope she’s not sick too. 🙁
It certainly sounds like this apartment is contributing. You’re on the right track with this. This post answers the basics as to how to proceed. The bottom line is to follow your gut on this. http://it-takes-time.com/mold-microbes/beginners-guide-toxic-mold/
Hi Andrea,
We live in Houston, TX. My daughter became ill when she was in second grade. She’s now in fourth. This past October, we figured out that our home has been growing toxic mold, including Stachybotrys, since we moved in when she was 4 yrs old. We moved out of the house in October, my daughter and I have been diagnosed with CIRS, we live in a safe house (did a HERTSMI test), but she is still not getting well. I’m beginning to think that most of the buildings in Houston have water damage, and that the air is not much better. We are thinking of leaving Houston, but it seems many places are not safe. I was looking at Colorado (not Denver but maybe Castle Rock or Colorado Springs). I just wondered why you moved out of Colorado. It’s dry so I thought mold wouldnt be a huge problem there. I pause when I remember you left. I read your story before I even know our house had mold. Could you talk with me about locations. We really do not want to leave Houston, but I want my daughter (and I) to have a quality life. Thank you for any input you have.
Colorado is a great climate. We did not leave due to the climate, we left to get away during the winter and it just so happens we’re still here. Just follow your heart as to what you and your daughter need.
I’ve had the same situation. I lost basically everything. left the house and walked away with nothing but my identification papers. The rest is in storage but It’s so toxic that exposure gives me immediate myoclonic seizures. It’s been one year. I’m still very sick and recovering because i also have Lyme disease which i found out at the same time as the mold. I lost a pet who died in that house… developed diabetes and began having seizures that blinded him and caused him to walk in circles. A final seizure paralysed him and I had to put him down. He would also do the head pressing and I wonder also if it was because he was as dizzy as I was. I’m single in a new state with no family and limited friends. I’m now broke from needing to repurchase everything and the expensive supplements and detox treatments not covered by insurance. Plus i haven’t been able to work much in my healing this year. This has been the hardest journey i have ever had to endure. I can’t imagine going through this with kids, as you have. It definitely makes us stronger people. Thank you for sharing your story and providing these products. I look forward to ordering.
I’m still living here with my two boys no money to move. I had a messed up toilet which caused mold in the walls (in my bed room only)I fought and killed the mold which was a small amount. I was the only only who got sick i had a sinus infection couldnt smell for about a week so didnt smell the mold. I became so sick dizzy shortness of breath very weak I wouldnt wish this on my worst enemy. In and out of ER back and fourth to doctor it was so hard for me.I had a young son and a older disabled son thank God they didnt get sick. I’m on a fixed income with no outside help medical bill mostly (but I had insurance from job that help some) out of pocket. I’m going to try and move next year I’m so scared it may return. I’m still suffering from this exposure.
Sorry to hear this, Tanya. I really hope you get to relocate. Good job making this connection.
I don’t 100% know but I think the last house we were in had mould I was the only one that got sick tho with all the same kind of symptoms we just moved out a week ago & im wondering if clothes on bed frames clothes draws should be chucked out or if they’re safe to keep?
If you experienced health issues due to mold in a previous home, it is wise to consider your possessions. Especially when it comes to bedding and clothing. This post may help:
Thank you Andrea for all the information you provided. I am going through a very similar story right now as we speak. My insurance company and restoration company have Ben absolutely horrible despite the numerous phone calls and concerns. I decided to make matters into my own hands and get to the bottom of this. I refused to start the construction after the mitigation of the mold because there were still signs of mold after they finished. They removed walls without mild and left walls with mold. They also did not contain the area and started mold removal without consideration of all my belongings. I have been real sick and this explains it. My insurance company waited to call a restoration company until they reviewed my policy to see if this was covered. By the grace of god, mold for some reason is covered under my insurance. But the insurance company waited 7 days to start restoration and it just got worse. They sent a uneducated mitigation company and basically destroyed my basement and lied. 6 weeks into this horrible experience I am sick and dizzy. I can’t function have memory loss and feel lethargic. I got sick of all the run around and finally called a mold inspection company to test my air and other visible mold the restoration didn’t remove. I should have the test results back as soon as tomorrow or Monday. But based on your story and my research I am almost certain, my air sample will test with very high levels as well. After reading what you have been through gives me hope. I know I have a very long road ahead of me . Being a single mom, it is going to be hard for me to pick up and leave everything but if that is what needs to happen, I will do it. If these tests come back the way I think they will, I am going to sue my insurance company and the restoration company for negligence for ignoring my constant concerns and disregarding then. Please pray for my family and thank you for all the information you provided. If you know of a good attorney you could suggest I will be more than appreciated. Thank you again
I’m happy to look over any test results with you. This is my email address: andrea@it-takes-time.com
Trust your gut on what is needed. Continue to put your health first and you’ll be OK.
This sounds like what happened to us. We called our insurer when I heard a water drip inside the bathroom walls. They directed me to call a company to find out if there’s a leak which would be covered. The company was listed as Professional, licensed and bonded. They verified a leak and moisture, then spoke to my insurer on my phone and suddenly began tearing the house apart. They never explained the danger, didn’t even put up containment of shut down the air cond. or tell us to leave. They carried mold out the door right in front of us with no protective clothing or gear. They blew the spores and toxins all through the home with big fans and then left it destroyed and argued they would not return to rebuild the bathrooms until I signed somethings. I got the doccument and refused to sign it as it was terrible. Then insurer insisted I get the bathrooms rebuilt, so I called for estimates but those people got very ill like us when they went in to write estimates. I began to figure things out myself even while the insurance people ignored my pleas for help and telling them we felt very ill. They then threw us out of the hotel with noplace to go and the children with us, on the streets. A week later they got hold of one of the mold test reports I paid for and they sent us to live in a rental house, but I was hospitolized the first night there due there was mold there too. They ignored me. Then threw us to the streets and stopped paying ALE. That was Sept. 2017 and we had to get a lawyer. He is awful I think, only cares for his money, not for us. Will not help with the illness part, only the bad faith part and is greedy 47% off the top (he will take) plus the public adjuster will take 20%. We have had to do everything for ourselves, including buy a new house while still paying the mortgage on that one and insurance etc,… It’s hell on my Navy disability check. 19 months and can’t get the V A to provide me care. They just finally sent me for MRI 2 weeks ago and I got the result report it shows brain cancer aka white matter disease. I still cant get them to send me to infectious disease doctor, but I am supposed to go see Dr. Gray next month but might end up forced to pay out of my pocket too.
I would like to speak with you Tiffany, but don’t know how to share my contact info here. I would also like to see if others have had any luck in the legal pursuit end of this. I too need help legally. I had Armed Forces Insurance, but they cancelled the policy as this attorney was taking his sweet time signing on.
I can also tell you we lost our other place we bought 4 years earlier, as it got struck by lightning and then sustained water intrusion as result, but Farmers insur screwed us 100% and the place is a total loss. We lost 2 houses in that same year and had to be homeless because of mold. We lost everything we owned including 6,000 LP’s, a piano , many instruments and all our clothing. Nobody seems to even care. I hate the insurance gets away with this. Now I have brain cancer as result and still can’t get help for this which if they would have provided me care 19 months ago when I asked first for help, it may not have become cancer. The awful so called Remediation company named Titan Restoration of Az is trying to sue me even though they forged my signature on the documents I refused to sign. They destroyed our home and are still allowed to be in business and potentially kill others because this state did nothing to stop them or help us when I called and wrote and filed legit complaints on them. I am not going to list my physical problems here, as it would take too much time and space. I do still have ear infection for 18 months now that doesn’t stop and runs liquid all the time/ awful, bleeding too. Nobody gives a dam . I’m just another veteran so to hell with me they must say.
So sorry to hear all of this. I appreciate you sharing your story.
Sobbed reading your story… first time I felt like somebody related to what I’m seeing. I was just contemplating a move from San DIego to TX wher I am now and my body seems to starting to act normal very quickly. I had to vacate everything. I am on disability and can’t seem to find a home that I don’t react to in SD. Sleeping outside or here has been the most normal that I feel.
I’m glad you made this connection, Shelly. I know the journey is long, but you’re on the right track.
Hi Andrea,
Thanks for your report. Please can you confirm if your son’s tinnitus went away and how long it took? Was it like ringing on the ears or the pulsing like heartbeat? Thank you.
Honestly it’s been a decade and I’m not sure what level he still has….I think he had both of those symptoms actually.
Hello Andrea. I have been so sick and in a health decline since maybe 2013. Constantly fighting Endo, ovarian cyst, sinus infection to the point of impaction, finally a sinus surgery, a hysterectomy following 2 months of menstruation with no medications to help stop it, anemia, to name so many more. A year ago, I started suffering from low grade fevers 3-5 times a week. Memory loss is very significant. I can’t ever find the right words, and most usually, I know in my brain what I want to say but I can’t make it come out in the form of the right words. 2 times in the last year, I have been at a point where, I was talking and suddenly it turned into… Not even words. My thought processes are almost non existent anymore. My feet joints ache as do my shoulders, if I sit for a 5 minutes time span then try to stand and walk, it’s like my joints are frozen and don’t want to work. In the last year, I’ve been to 7 Drs. All testing comes back clean. With the exception of strand 39 & 41 of Lyme disease. I search for a Dr to treat me in NC and to no avail they all talk to me like I’m a mental case. Finally, I find a Dr in Roanoke VA that I have to pay for everything out of pocket. Testing is performed and numbers to almost everything come back triple high or double low. I have no iodine, no testosterone, vitamin D Is sufficiently low, so on and so on. Dr tells me that I have high mold exposure #’s. I went away on a weeks vacation. Felt pretty good coming back, at least not as rundown and joints in my feet constantly throbbing. My first 3 nights back home, I woke up every morning with a nose bleed, couldn’t breathe and maybe migraines. I had my apartment tested 2 weeks ago even though there are visible signs of black mold on all of my windows. I’m scared. Dr told me to move. Get rid of everything that has fabric in it. Furniture, beds, clothing,.. Anything. People that have to deal with this are left with starting over. I have a 10 year old who has a bumpy skin rash that itches her. It looks like the hair follicle are raised in just certain areas on her legs. We’ve been to dermatologists, tried 10 different medications and creams. I can’t just get rid of all fabric containing possessions. I am not financially well endowed to just throw away and start over. Do you have a book about how you and your family handled these types of situations? Any suggestions on a plan of action to get my life righted back? I have just been made aware that 2 friends from the town I grew up in, does from mold exposure. My mother went to the same Dr I’ve been going to in Roanoke and she was made aware that she also has mold toxicity. And they still live in the house I grew up in! All my life I have suffered from endometriosis, painful periods, migraines. I am lost now. And spend most of my days in my apartment, sleeping or just laying around. Everything is coming at me so fast, I don’t know what to do first! :'(
You’re on the right track with this. I know how tough this is. It’s critical to put your health first. We were told to treat our home like a fire and that’s what we did. My article on possessions may help further. http://it-takes-time.com/2016/02/23/toxic-mold-and-possessions-2/
Thank you Andrea. I just stumbled upon your info by googling “symptoms of mold exposure steps to death”. I’m so scared but I’m between a rock and.. Well another rock. Thank you so much for sharing your struggle.
It’s so tough, Tammie. There is another side to all of this.
Andrea . . . did you ever try the Fabulous, Fabry, Friday sigh??? It would have fixed everything. Of course, I am kidding. I listen to Chris’s show all the time. Thank you for the information.
We lived in a rental for three months that had some mold (never had it tested, could see it in a few spots around the house and could smell it) That was over 5 years ago. When we moved into our new home (5 years ago) we got all new furniture, except for my daughter’s bedroom furniture. She has been diagnosed with lyme and now positive with a Visual Contrast Test for mold. I have bought her a new mattress and bedding. I am debating about cleaning her book shelves and dresser or getting rid of them. My question is if I get rid of them, is the carpet in her room (in our new, mold free house) likely contaminated from her bedding/mattresss, etc? Do I need to remove all the carpet before putting her new mattress in the room? I’ve been researching and finding conflicting information. Any thoughts you have would be appreciated.
If it were me, I would replace the carpet and start over. But honestly, the dresser and bookshelves may be no big deal. I don’t see how it could hurt to give her a room without carpeting. This is all very tough to navigate or “prove” so go with your gut more than anything. Another thing that can help is creating a sleep sanctuary electrically for her. http://it-takes-time.com/2015/07/31/sleep-and-technology/
I’m going to skip our long story because I have typed it and told it to so many people and so many doctors that I literally have PTSD from talking about the subject only to receive a prescription of Prozac. I hear the word mold and, after our nightmare, I curl up into the fetal position and cry in the bathroom. Absolutely no exaggeration. I just want to know, how long after moving from the mold did Reagan stop feeling dizzy? We have been out for 8 months now, having lost all of our possessions, and I cannot get rid of the feeling that someone is shaking me. It’s almost like vertigo which I had once long ago before the mold experience, but also very different. Please let me know what I can do to get rid of this. It’s devastating.
Reagan was so young at the time, I found that he too did not want to talk about it. We did the intense anti-fungal diet, and lots of acupuncture. I can’t tell you how long but I do know that he is able to do sports, as well as ballet, believe it or not. He says he is shocked that he can do the turns. I assure you there is hope, Anita.
I’m barely able to even write this! I cannot function without feeling like I’m going to blackout I’ve been back and forth to hospitals specialist with no diagnosis! I’ve lost my teeth thought was due too a tooth extraction my eye ear throat and glands are clooed i cannot swallow my left immune system feels like it’s failing I’m in 24-7 escretiaying discomfort and pain with non stop symptoms i cannot even explain or keep up with so when a doctor ask me a simple question I get to confused to say what is goiung on I cannot consontrate I know I’m not stupid I’ve always been a clean freak but cannot keep up with the dust or dirt everything and the air where I live is damp cold and wet I’m freezing they keep teating me with infections and antibiotics but I continue to be sick and get worse My symptems are like different stages so when I seak answers I only get that this is chronic! I try to stres there’s something else no-one believes me when I say tha air is not right it’s making me sick! I cannot get help have no where to go because this exposure happened like wildfire to recently moving into new home exposed of this like a bomb went off now all everyone I say look or listen do not see and say it’s me I’ m so sickI cannot talk my head neck mouth ear and eye are affected my urine bowl movements priod wrong my bloos my left arm and leg and groin are hard to work I feel pain where I never fealt like a knife inside me internally and pins a nd tin smells and taste are off I cannot see my left eye and nose get clouded with a glue like my brain is wrong I have to step outside often to breath and it’s freezing Iget so conflicted to what is causing what I cannot get a diagnosis because all the doctors get confused so pass me off or send me home with antibiotics that just donnot fix it I know what I see I know what I fweel and everyone tell me I!? jsut cannot get help not sure gonna survive???
I’m sorry to hear this. It sounds like you’re still living in the exposure. If you can relocate that would be your best option until you can get a clear head to determine your next step. Feel free to email me directly andrea@it-takes-time.com
Hi darlin! I stumbled across this article out of chance and am so happy I did! I have lived in a highrise in Chicago (Edgewater) for almost five years.
I am only 27 and I experienced so many weird things in my body I never had before.
Being 27 I avoid the doctors at all cost. I don’t have insurance and tried dealing with things on my own. There were multiple times I would get rashes/welts and contact dermatitis. One summer I had to take Benadryl for a few months straight because everytime I stepped inside I would break out in welts
Other health issues I assumed were just in my head:
– Muscle aches, pains
– Abnormal period for at least two years (My period would come every few months I assumed was stress related)
– Congestion and sinus infections. The last few months got to the point where I had a lump in my throat everytime I talked, was out of breathe from walking, swollen lymph nodes
– I could never breathe from my nose, just my mouth
– My urine was almost orange. It’s gross but I assumed it was from the apple cider supplements I’ve been taking. (My orange pee went away after getting this air purifier this week)
– Snoring. I thought because sleep apnea runs in my family I was meant to snore forever even though I’m 5″2 and 120 lbs! (My boyfriend said my snoring disappeared the past few nights.. I used to keep him up at night!)
– I had a long period of lower back pain I couldn’t explain
– Brain fog which I thought was anxiety related for years
– Developed toe fungus past few years and random nerve numbness
These symptoms are so general but frustrating when trying to live a normal life. I thought this discomfort mentioned above was from stress. Or that some issues were due to the fact that I needed two wisdom teeth taken out… That MAYBE just maybe this was causing me to feel run down, fatigued, low energy.
The past few months I noticed my eyes have been very dry, irritated and sometimes my contacts would fog up after putting them in my eyes. I assumed this was from me wearing makeup and dismissed this idea until two weeks ago. My eyes became so bloodshot that I thought I had pink eye. Being frustrated and upset I did more research. I realized that maybe it was my “minor allergies” playing a role and purchased a Germ Guard air purifier off amazon. Ive only had this machine five days and I can’t explain how much my life has changed already. I don’t feel like my body is “toxic” or fighting off something anymore. I suggest buying a few and seeing if that helps suck mold out of your house. I feel like that’s what it is doing for my condo.
I feel embarassed telling my close friends what I’m going through so thank you for being an open outlet. My boyfriend lives with me and he sees improvements with my wellbeing. I have been talking without having to gasp for air every few minutes. No more lump in throat. I never thought that I would be able to “breathe clean” if that makes sense…. I will also note my lymph node swelling has went down and my energy levels are sky high. Even if you dont have mold at your current house, I hope you invest in some air purifiers. Sometimes we take for granted our health and these past few years have opened up my eyes. This article opened up my eyes as well. I never realized what mold could do (we have bathroom tiles with mildew and mold that wont fully go away). I am not saying this is the cause but wouldnt be surprised if this contributed to a portion of my concerns listed above.
This was longer than I anticipated, thanks for sharing your journey! Hope all is well for you and your family! xx – B
I am so sorry you all had this struggle. We recently found mold in our home and are having work done in a few days. We aren’t staying there for the time being until I get another air quality test done proving it’s safe for us to be there. Guilt is gripping me tightly and I’m trying to move on but it’s so hard! What did your family do to detox after moving to your clean living space?
I have quite a few posts on detox and recovering health. One on detox: https://it-takes-time.com/2014/02/05/detoxing-for-dummies/ There is another called My Detox Routine. Trust your gut in all of this.
Thanks so much for your comprehensive story. Our experience was awful too. Our pet finches died soon after moving into what we later learned was a very moldy house. The teen emotional problems were like your teens. My younger son was late elementary to middle school age and would miss 40-50 days of school a year from general didn’t feel well. The cat began having seizures. I didn’t feel well, but felt better when I left our house. Mold remediation done by a water removal company, not a mold recitation company, and they blew mold all over the house and I got very, very sick. I wa diagnosed with a type of brain cancer that is lymphoma in the brain. Drs kept asking me where I’d been that was toxic, all I could say was my moldy home.
We’re all ok now, except the birds. All these stories break my heart. An unnecessary tragedy for all of us.
Thank you for sharing your story, Lynn. I’m glad to hear you made it through. All of our birds died and once we left we bought a parakeet and it’s still going after 10 years!
I suffered from long term mold exposure and I am experimenting with glandular supplements such as raw pancreas and raw kidney to restore my gland/hormone balance.
Did you use or find any specific glandular supplements to be useful?
I have taken raw organ meat! Anything non-invasive like that is a win in my mind. Keep listening to your body and trusting your instincts with this path.
I’ve just lost 8 months of my life to toxic mold. No doctor could diagnose the increasingly debilitating health issues. This issue is not recognized by the medical community and it made us seriously ill. I was in to car accidents, because of the dizziness and disorientation it caused. Months of vertigo, MRIs, flu symptoms, headaches, and on and on. I am so angry!
I’m so sorry to hear this. I understand all of those feelings.
I feel bad for how much your family suffered. But what’s really upsetting is how clueless the medical establishment is about environmental illnesses. They’re training to create “patients” and treat symptoms but not really to solve problems. All doctors need to be trained in environmental toxins since they seem to generate symptoms and illnesses that touch virtually all specialties of Medicine.
Yes, absolutely. Thanks for contributing.
We were in a house with a massive amount of mold for 12 years. This was my kids whole life’s minus this last year. My question is did you notice symptoms getting worse after you were out of the exposure? We left our house in the winter and felt horrible. Things got worse in the spring but all got a lot better over the summer. The fall was fine but now that it is winter everyone is feeling worse. Did this happen to your family as well? Any suggestions on what to do that helped your family? My 11 year old son is still very sick.
We had health issues linger for quite a while after we left. I assume your current home is safe. Winter is a tough season simply because the windows are closed and the heat is on…assuming all is well with your home, then time and patience go a long way as your bodies adjust and adapt to the impact of the previous mold. Sugar-free diet, outdoor time, and acupuncture all helped over the years.
Hi. This seems like no big deal to my landlord and Drs that I’ve spoken with say there is no test blood nor urine. I am so sick. What test do I inform my Dr to perform. I get treated like I am crazy. I cannot even get the test results.of air quality that were done over a month ago. I get up to walk and get really dizzy. The vertigo like symptoms. Everyone thinks I am crazy. I a?so upset I can’t see straight. Some of the mold has been remediated. I thought I would feel better I’m so sick and have no idea what to do next. Meanwhile. I have made my landlord so mad because he had to spend money to remediate that he’s doing things like inspections… I’m so sick I have not been able to do much. Please respond w type of Dr and tests to ask for from my Dr maybe?? I read your story and this is a nightmare.
Remediation does not eradicate the problem as you have experienced. I would put your health first and relocate before making any other decisions. As for a physician, it’s important to remember that mold avoidance is a treatment in and of itself. Get to safe ground as your first step if that is possible.
Hello! We just found mold
Been living in it for 3 months
Along your journey did you find what duration is considered prolonged exposure to mold?
I am trying not to panic no respiratory symptoms just watery eyes but could be just the season here in Manitoba the air gets dry outside
I nearly cried reading your story , having those readings come back so high must have been devastating
Wishing your family health
It’s all very individual. Some may tolerate it better than others. Severe reactions can occur within days of intense exposure. Keep watching your health. You can always do a dust sample (ERMI) to see more about what you’re breathing.
Is there a simple “step by step”, on how to know if your health is being affected by mold? I have read about geneteic tetsing on your blog, are there some blood tests that I can ask my GP to determine if mold is an issue for me?
Thank you =)
Honestly, your first step is to test your existing environment. That will tell you quite a bit. If there are health issues in the family, and there is a mold problem in the home, then you can assume the two are related. See the post https://it-takes-time.com/2013/10/17/how-to-test-for-toxic-mold/
Thank you for sharing your story. My family is also going through a similar nightmare that began with Lyme and is now
Causing heart issues in my 4 sons and allergies in my husband.
I hit menopause and have been sick since 2012 with every organ system involved, multiple surgeries and a long list of bacterial and viral infections. Often as many as 40 or more symptoms at the same time…the details are daunting. We are being treated by an amazing functional medicine Dr. who has been peeling away the layers of my infections. I am nearing the end of clearing these with enzymes from Standard Process, but I still have very erratic and severe symptoms remaining. Then he diagnosed me with CIRS to mold and I am now discovering the agitators like chemicals that keep reactivating the mold response. My hypothalamus is involved causing severe sweating and my severe fatigue, brain fog, memory, ear ringing, bladder pain, urgency and PAIN everywhere are my worst symptoms. Along with a lot of crazy and tears. We actually left our house last night and are staying with our kids to see if our symptoms from mold improve along with the protocol. My question is how quickly did you start to feel better? Did the symptoms decrease gradually or disappear? I’m so anxious to get better and I’ve been tricked into thinking I was getting well so many times before only to just keep getting sicker!
Thanks for your help to recognize my recovery. You have a beautiful family!
Hi Chery.
Good job leaving. I can’t say everything will get better right away, but it’s important to remember getting away from a toxic home is a treatment. Ideally we all need clean, safe homes. Feel free to email me directly at andrea@it-takes-time.com. I’m sorry you have to go through this but good job making this connection.
Hello, I read your story and it’s a nightmare . I am so sorry for what you all have gone through. The house I grew up has mold. My mom passed away and my husband and I moved in. I was sick before moving in but not like I got after living there for 3 mths. I also lived in that house prior to being married and strangely improved when I moved out. I still had major issues but not like I did while living in that house. Anyway I lived there recently for 3 months. I knew something in the house I was exposed to was making me worse. We discovered mold in the crawl space and it was very wet. We moved out but left our stuff only coming back for clothes and such. The hertsmi was 16 right after remediation . We have not been there for 6 mths and have been running high tech machines 24/7. Now the hertsmi is 20 and the aspergillis P went from 300 to 1300. We can’t find active leaks or moisture . Not sure if my 2nd dusting including an area with no air flow or cleaning made it faulty or if it’s correct. I want to save that home because my mom passed away and it means so much. All of my new furniture is there. I’m sure my current house has some mold but I’m not as sick here. Obviously I have MCS and MCAS , pots and such but in the other house it was extreme and I had trouble getting deep breaths , eating and swallowing. That has all improved since moving out. Not cured but improved . My question is can I bring my furniture back here with me? I’m so stressed out.
Well, good job making the connection between this house and your health. Remediation often stirs things up and even if there is an improvement in air quality, the home still carries its history. So good job leaving. As far as your furniture I can’t say. A clean break is ideal but you can try one piece at a time and see how you do. We went with camping chairs and air mattresses for awhile just to keep things simple. You can always store your things and bring them in one at a time to see.