I had no idea our rashes that developed while living in our toxic home had any connection with our environment. Of course, the skin is an easy port of entry and exit for the body, so in retrospect it’s obvious.
Since our detoxification process began, we’ve seen some incredible manifestations of inner turmoil, many of them more dramatic than the ones we saw in the house. I’ve captured a fraction of them below.
Our Detox Rashes
See more of our rashes in an album found here.
Top 5 Helpful Remedies
1. Calcium Bentonite Clay
I keep a jar of liquefied clay in the cupboard. I like Living Clay. Add clay powder at a ratio of 1 part clay to 8 parts water. Clay may be combined with raw apple cider vinegar for added benefit.
2. Grapefruit Seed Extract
GSE is antimicrobial and helps with itching. Nutribiotic offers a reputable product found here. Dilute before application.
3. Tea Tree Oil
This essential oil is highly antimicrobial and can help in the healing process. I like Native American Nutritionals.
4. Whey, kefir
The probiotics in natural dairy products can be soothing as well as beneficial.
5. Colloidal Silver
I use aloe vera gel as a carrier for colloidal silver. Stir in approximately one teaspoon of colloidal silver with 1/4 cup aloe vera gel. I like Utopia Colloidal Silver.
When all else fails, and sometimes it does, cold water can do wonders for the itching. Rashes are often a sign of excess heat in the body. Simply cooling the area can bring relief.
There is no one-size-fits-all for something as complex as a rash. Natural solutions such as these can help along the way!
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Your journey with your family moving from a moldy/mildewy toxicity place into one that’s not rings close to home (literally). My daughter and I live in a small studio with poor circulation (fan inside bathroom doesn’t work) and leaky water from an old toilet and running fridgerator with brown spots all over that is where I live and been trying to find a cleaner affordable place to live for awhile. Some of those scars combined with scars from a severe allergic-food reaction are fully covered my legs, flaring up eczema all over my hands and constantly itch. My daughter itches at night too now. Thank you for your story- it’s a big help for me.
I’m glad to hear. Finding a safe environment is not easy, but with the knowledge you’re gaining you will find it. Let me know if I can help in any way.
I completely lived this! And ironically in 2008. We lived in a hotel for a month before we finally found a new home. It took me 2 years to recover & my memory is still not the same. I also have residual food sensitivities. Thank you for sharing your experience here. I am sure others who may feel crazy & hopeless will find you and know they are not alone. ♡
Thank you, Jill. It’s one of the worst parts of this trauma -is feeling alone. I’m glad you have progressed. I get it about the memory.
I’m seriously ill from long term toxic mold exposure and left my house everything over a year only to be reacting strongly to a lower level mold (on HERTSMI) in my new apartment. I’ve been doing Cholestryramine and natural antifungals daily for three years and use Austin hepas. I purchased all new clothes and a new mattress etc. I am suffering from severe mutilsystemic illnesses including POTS, Adrenal insufficiency, Diabetes and Asthma from the mold and chronic Lyme disease and I also take Ldn. I have severe and many methylation problems as well. I cannot afford to move and have moved out of my new bedroom because it was becoming musty from the basement beneath.
Other than diffusing thieves, running air filter, and opening windows spending time outside often, what else can I do? Thank you for sharing your story and wisdom with all of us. It means the world.
In Health and healing, moldy girl
I might add in some Earthing. I use an Earthing sheet, but you can make cheaper versions. If you can turn everything electrical off at night, including the Wi Fi that can make a big difference. I know how hard this journey is, hang in there.
Hi, I am detoxing from mold exposure and having rash problems as well. The bentonite clay and apple cider is workin wonderfully , thank you! I was wondering how long you can have the clay on your skin? Do you have to wash it off overnight?
I’m not sure about that Amanda. It will simply stop pulling out after awhile I would think and sit fairly neutrally on the skin. I’m not sure you can overdo it. If I find out differently I’ll let you know! I’m glad it’s helping.
I am so thankful to have found all your research! I honestly thought I was going to die or go insane.. We just found black mold in our apartment. But I have been sick wver since we moved in 3 years ago. Strange things like inflammation, arthritis ( I was 38). Crazy onset of food allergies, I’ve never been allergic to any food. Now I tested for 24 out of 75.. Severely has limited my diet. Tired, hives, headaches,
constant post nasal drip, ears itch like crazy, anxiety, sinus problems.. If I move, will there be a chance to recover? Should I leave everything here? Is there a way to salvage my furniture? Thank you for all your information! And to everyone who shared their stories. I feel like there is hope!
Yes, there is hope Heather. This post should answer many of these questions.
You’re on the right track with all of this. Our indoor environments have the potential to do us great harm. It’s far better to make the connection and go from there.
Yesterday, I found out that we may have mold in our back storage room. It looks grayish/white. Actually our temite inspector pointed it out to me. I am experiencing some health problems that maybe the caused by this fungus being in our home. I had cancer in 2016, several rashes that never completely heals, and just recently a bout with pneumonia. Thanks for the insightful articles I now can go about my health restoration differently. Amen!
I’m currently 3 months into detoxing from Mould poisoning. I lived in a
Private rented property for just over 2 years. In rent from being completey healthy to being bed ridden, continuous infections and illness then large
Lesions on my face. Iv had the worst week with my skin so far but I’m praying it’s almos over I feel better health wise and the fungi thatnhas realeased theough my skin over the last couple of months is insane. My doctors are totally clueless and iv takwm it up on myself to treat myself naturally. Apple cider vinegar has literally saved my life, orally and topically, I’m also using aloe Vera orally and topically, activated charcoal Epsom salts, coconut oil capsules. I also steam myself with tea tree and apply this topically with coconut oil. It feels like w full time Job looking after myself but I’m staying positive thanks to o reading stories like this. I also now have allergies and having tests done for this out of my own pocket becuae it seems I am agitated by most foods now other than chicken veg and yougurts ?