No one disputes that human beings are bioelectric. Our hearts and brains are regulated by internal bioelectric signals as evidenced by the use of pacemakers and EEGs. What, then, is the relationship between sleep and technology?
Every cell in the body has an electrical charge, and the function of the cell is based on electricity and electron transfers.
It’s not a stretch to conclude that artificial electromagnetic fields (EMFs) have the potential to disrupt the fundamental process of sleep. Melatonin, our core sleep regulator, has been implicated in numerous diseases and immune deficiencies.
- Role of Melatonin in Neurodegenerative Diseases
- Melatonin in Aging and Disease
- Protective Role of Melatonin in Neonatal Disease
If melatonin levels are reduced, we are more vulnerable to disease. One of the biggest disruptors of melatonin appears to be electromagnetic radiation emitted from devices like cell phones, electrical appliances, cordless phones, wireless baby monitors and other electrical devices.
- 900-MHz microwave radiation promotes oxidation in rat brain
- Oxidative damage in the kidney induced by 900-MHz-emitted mobile phone: protection by melatonin
- Neuroprotective role of melatonin in oxidative stress-vulnerable brain
- Pineal melatonin levels disruption in humans due to electromagnetic fields and ICNIRP limits
A study published in the International Journal of Obesity found that artificial light at night contributed to excessive weight in men and women almost as much as eating junk food. (Study here.)
Sleep, Melatonin and Electronic Devices
Wolfgang Maes is a former journalist from Germany, who turned his health around by reducing his EMF exposure at night. Now active in the field of Building Biology, Maes has lectured on the subject of sleep and electromagnetic radiation. He offers a wealth of information in his lecture Stress from Current and Radiation: The Sick Sleeping-Room and Its Successful Treatment.
Simply eliminating electronic media two hours before bed can help improve sleep. In the study Using Electronic Media Before Sleep can Curtail Sleep Time and Result in Self-Perceived Insufficient Sleep, only 29.0% of light users perceived they had insufficient sleep compared to 53.5% of heavy users.
The good news is that much can be done to give our bodies a break and restore that deep sleep we once knew as a child.

Photo courtesy of © Andrey Burkov |
The following 15 suggestions are based on my personal experience as well as resources provided by the International Institute for Building Biology and Ecology (IIBBE).
Excellent First Steps
1. Reduce exposure to blue light on your devices.
Avoid looking at bright screens beginning two to three hours before bed. If you are a shiftworker consider wearing blue-blocking glass or installing an app that filters the blue wavelenth.
App: F.lux
Glasses: There are a variety of options. Check out Amazon!
2. Turn off the router at night
This simple step can go a long way to reducing your night time exposure. Ideally, it’s optimal to transition to wired computers and eliminate Wi-Fi altogether, but turning off the router is an excellent first step. If you must be near an active router either at night or during the day, consider a router guard available at Less EMF. (For more on our recent transition see From Wireless to Wired – Our Family’s Journey.)
You can also consider putting your router on a simple timer like this one.
3. Remove or relocate your phone (unless it is a corded landline)
Cordless DECT (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications) phones emit high levels of microwave radiation. Most of the hazardous EMFs come from the base station that is powered 24 hours a day. The antennas radiate these fields for hundreds of feet and are much like having a mini cell phone tower in your room. (See The Health Effects of Cordless Phones.)
If a corded phone is not an option, move the base station to another area of the home, keeping the charged handset in the room with you, at least, six feet from your body. The video below shows the high levels emitting from a DECT cordless phone. (The video also shows the lower readings when a cell phone is in airplane mode as well as the blue-light filtering orange glasses I wear at night!)
If a landline is not an option, and you must have your cell phone with you, keep it, at least, six feet from your body.
4. Remove as many electrical devices as possible from your sleeping area
If possible, remove radios, TVs, answering machines, VCRs, lamps, computers, etc. If you must have any of these, keep them, at least, six feet from your body and unplug them before sleep. The IIBBE recommends removing televisions entirely as they still emit fields when unplugged. Invest in a battery operated alarm clock if an alarm is needed. (Avoid using your cell phone as an alarm.)
Consider This “Powerful” Option
5. Try cutting the power supply to your bedroom
Turn off the circuit breaker that provides power to your sleeping area. If you’re not sure which one it is, switch off each circuit until you find it. You can also invest in a demand switch or cut-off switch that automatically cuts the flow of electricity to the room when there is no demand for it.
Other Factors to Consider
6. Avoid metal spring mattresses, box springs, and bed frames.
Metal can act as an antenna when it comes to ambient fields in the room. The metal may also be magnetized, making non-metallic bedding a healthier choice.
7. Choose an organic mattress and linens
While this is not always possible, organic offers chemical-free “breathable” materials. Organic sheets are are readily available at Target, Kohl’s and other outlets.
Organic mattresses are expensive. We slept on an air mattress for years until we could afford our organic latex mattress found at Plush Beds. Futons offer a more affordable option as they are a much simpler form of a mattress. Some are made with 100% organic cotton.
More options are listed in the article How to Choose a Safe Bed and Bedding.
8. Rule out the presence of mold
Mold quickly grows on drywall in the presence of water. Electromagnetic radiation plays a role in this growth process as outlined in the article Toxic Mold and Electromagnetic Radiation. Check for hidden leaks with a moisture meter or thermal imaging device and repair any leaks as soon as they occur. (Learn more at A Beginner’s Guide to Toxic Mold.)
Steps that May Surprise You
9. Replace ionizing smoke detectors with photoelectric detectors
Ionizing smoke alarms contain a radioactive substance called americium-241. The americium-241 is located between two electrically charged plates and ionizes the air that causes current to flow between the plates. You may notice an immediate improvement by eliminating this source of disruption. (See Is Your Smoke Alarm a Biohazard? for a tutorial on changing out your smoke alarms.)
10. Avoid electric blankets
Studies show that pineal gland exposure to EMFs from electric blanket use can be 10-40 times greater than EMFs associated with electrical wiring in the home. Electric blankets have been implicated in the development of breast cancer as well as birth defects. You can “see” some of these fields in the following video:
Transition to natural comforters and blankets. If an electric blanket is a must, heat the bed and remove it before getting into bed. Avoid sleeping with a heating pad for similar reasons.
11. Remove all wireless baby monitors
Children and infants are especially vulnerable to invisible wireless radiation. Wireless baby monitors operate at the same frequency as microwave ovens, and continually emit radiation comparable to a cell phone tower located 150 meters away. The best option is to keep the baby close by, or if needed, invest in an old-fashioned analog monitor.
12. Avoid waterbeds
Sleeping on a waterbed is much like sleeping under a high-tension line. Stagnant water is depleting to the immune system and holds an electromagnetic charge derived from the heating element.
13. Replace CFL bulbs with incandescent bulbs
Compact fluorescent bulbs emit electromagnetic radiation due to the energy saving mechanism used to reduce voltage. What’s more, CFL bulbs emit blue wavelength light radiation which “tricks” the brain into thinking it’s daytime, thereby suppressing melatonin production.
Even more is the toxic nature of CFL bulbs. When a bulb breaks it releases 25,000 to 100,000 nanograms per meter of mercury vapor directly into the air. Incandescent bulbs are far safer, and you will use them far less if you’re falling asleep earlier. See more about artificial lighting in the post Light Bulbs 101.
I wear blue-light filtering orange glasses when reading on my device before bed. Find the glasses here.
What’s on the Other Side of My Head?
14. Move your bed away from walls that have powerful appliances on the other side
The electromagnetic fields generated from appliances such as the refrigerator, furnace, or even a dehydrator that is turned on through the night will penetrate walls. Place your bed on the other side of the room if possible.
Consider Grounding or Shielding
15. Connect with the Earth
The concept of “grounding” refers to the notion of reconnecting our bodies to the Earth’s natural frequency pulsation of approximately 10 Herz. These frequencies are the same as those produced by the human brain in the theta and alpha relaxation/sleep states.
The ideal way to connect with the Earth is to spend time outdoors. I have noticed that 20 minutes outside with my feet on the ground relaxes my brain. I have done this just before bed and found I fall asleep much faster.
There are many grounding fabrics and sheets on the market today. Not everyone has a positive experience as everyone’s home electrical environment (and electrical sensitivity) is unique.
It is critical first to reduce your EMF environment before adding a grounding sheet to your sleeping arrangement.
Further reading on the pros and cons of grounding sheets
- Position Paper on the Proper Use of Earthing and Grounding Pads to Combat Elevated Electric Fields
- Should I Ground Myself and What’s Wrong with Earthing Mats and Pads
- Is Grounding Good for You?
(To make your grounding fabric, you will need a plug-to-gator alligator clip. The clip attaches to the fabric, and the 3-prong molded plug goes into a properly-grounded 3-prong outlet. You can find the clip at Less EMF. Less EMF also offers a broad range of fabrics. I like the HertzCloth for its conductivity, price, and cotton material.)
This video offers a demonstration of grounding and shielding properties of fabrics.
15. Shield the room if necessary
If you are unable to avoid a smart meter, or you live in an apartment next to a bank of smart meters, consider shielding your sleeping area. This step can also be beneficial if you are in proximity to a cell tower. (Or have close neighbors who keep their Wi-Fi on at night.)
Be sure to power off/eliminate all wireless devices in the room you are shielding to avoid aggravating the situation. Shielding is a complex issue and may require the help of an experienced electrician.
There are several options including grounding paint and shielding fabric. The following are available through
We are part of a global experiment when it comes to the health effects of electromagnetic radiation. Why wait for those in authority to tell us to protect ourselves?
One option for taking your measurements in sleeping areas is the Cornet Electrosmog Meter. It measures both radio frequencies and magnetic fields. Learn more about the combination meters at LessEMF. (Once you choose your meter be sure to check out the free Shield Your Body App which will help you interpret your numers.)
Whether it’s turning off the Wi-Fi at night, removing electronic devices, or moving our furniture, there is much we can do to promote melatonin production and restore a deep, restful sleep.
We discuss these principles for restorative sleep in the following episode of The Connecting Place.
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Thanks so much for all this work as I had begun monitoring my exposure to EMFs in the evening before bed.Because of low serotonin I was off melatonin supplements. I do find getting away from the computer screen and even going to bed a bit earlier than usual has been so very helpful with a restful sleep. We are planning more bedroom organization and following many of your tips.
I would love to hear back if you notice a difference, Rachel. Definitely going to bed as soon as possible after the sun goes down can help. Thanks for your comment!
This is such an important article. We will be sharing it on our FB page.
I’ve been keeping light sources (clocks, computers, etc.) out of the bedroom for a while. But, I hadn’t thought about actually turning off the router. I’m going to try that, too!
Wow, super informative! Thank you. We keep all of our wifi devices in one room that no one sleeps in. But I am now thinking we should shut it all off each night.
Sure can’t hurt to turn everything off. It’s the best feeling to crawl into bed knowing it’s all shut off.
I had no idea metal bed frames contributed to the EMF problem. Good to know! Thank you for all of your research 🙂
Thanks Tash! Nice to hear from you.
This was super informative. I have not come close to doing all of this, but we do the best we can. Including leaving a toxic mold environment. Hoping that we are in a mold free home now 🙂 We do sleep on an organic mattress. I unplug everything in our room at night, which isn’t much since we don’t have much right now. We don’t have a cordless phone, but we do have cell phones. I have EMF protector stickers on both of them and I turn my settings to airport at night which I have read decreases the EMF a little bit. We don’t sleep with them near our heads. Love the grounding idea, we try to do that as much as possible. My kids go barefoot a lot, more than I do. My oldest has a salt lamp in her room too to help with EMFs.
Thanks for being specific with the things you’re doing, Emily. It helps others!
I have quit using a router and have my computer hard-wired. But after reading this, I realized that because I live in a condo community I could be getting wi-fi signals from neighbors. I tested this and found that I get FOUR wireless signals in my bedroom. One of these has full strength as though it was in the room with me. There isn’t much I can do about this. I get fewer wi-fi signals in the living room, but it is near two smart meters that are installed on my home. 🙁
It’s so tough isn’t it, Trish! Awareness is always good, though. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Andrea,
Can you send me a link for the orange glasses you wear while reading your iPad. I have not been able to find them.
Hi Sarah!
These are the ones I have:
We live in the jungle in the tropics. Sunrise is at 6AM. Sunset is at 6PM. We wake up between 4:30 and 5 and go to bed around 8. I sleep deeper than I ever have in my life. After sunset we use very little light, often head lamps of needed for a specific task. Living in tune with the sun, with spring water, fresh fruits and vegetables, and the sounds of the jungle instead of traffic allows for deep healing.
I love reading this! Thank you so much for chiming in.
Andrea, can you comment on the safety of LED lights? We had purchased some “full spectrum” cfl’s but are now wanting to ditch them because of the issues you discussed here. We always preferred “reveal” bulbs when we used incandescent lights. Have you found any resources discussing the health effects or benefits of “warm” vs “cool” bulbs? Thanks for any tips you can offer!
This is a great question, Jessie! I am working on an article on this subject. Here’s what I have gleaned so far: Incandescent is better than LED. But LED is better than CFL. The ultimate goal is to use as little artificial lighting as possible. I try to avoid using overhead as much as possible since the sun goes down to our side. As far as the cool/warm question I’m going to research that further.
I just watched a video. Dr Jay Davidson and EMFs, he had an expert come to his house and test. The Ikea LED lights plugged in the closet were really high, as well as a few air cleaners. One is the most popular selling on Amazon.
I’m in an apartment now, working to find a house to rent starting next month.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have been concerned about everything listed here, and I often wonder why so many people are not contemplating these potential hazards. The support you have provided is very much appreciated. I felt a difference in high school after using cordless phones as they came out, began then to only use corded phones, and I continue to stay away from wireless when I can, refusing to start hooking into it, although it’s now all around us. I think that human beings are remarkably adaptable, but the new wifi cars and number of wireless devices that could be piled into them has become very concerning to me, especially when thinking about young children and babies. We need concrete studies on this topic, no matter how convenient the wifi is.
I am also thankful to get the link to a mattress company that does not use flame retardant chemicals, I had just not been able to find a product like that for a long time! The fewer of these chemicals in our lives, the better.
We think alike. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I appreciate it.
Thank you for this informative post. I’m trying to get away from my laptop and cell phone before sleeping. I heard of a kind of sticker that we can stick on our cell phones to prevent us from radiation. I was wondering if it works.
Hi Laura, I just published an article on this very question! Do Cell Phone Safety Gadgets Work?
I don’t use them simply because I’ve reduced so much of my exposure that I don’t feel a need. Reviews are very mixed to say the least. Very limited scientific study on these stickers. Great question.
My head board is right next to the electric meter on the outside, no insulation in wall. just clapboard outside and pine boards on the inside. If I change to bedroom across hall as kids are gone now, there are two satallite dishes outside that window. Neither is being used but they are still wired to the house. You didn’t mention those and don’t know if they would have any electricity in them. I use an electric blanket on my bed but haven’t plugged it in for years. Are the wires in it harmful? Guess I will take it off. Never thought of it that way.
The inactive satellite dishes would be better than the active meter. It’s worth a shot to move away from the meter that’s for sure. In one of the videos in this post you’ll see the electrical activity of the blanket. Yes, it’s the wires. They’re too close to the body for prolonged lengths of time. You’re wise to be thinking about this!
Hi Andrea! This post is older so I’m not sure if this will get to you. We recently moved and the electric meter is attached to the outside of the house right outside our bedroom, specifically, right near my head. If we can switch rooms should we? Or look into getting the meter attached somewhere else? Thanks so much for all the helpful info, I glean so much from you!
I might look into a shield for the smarter meter honestly. From what I understand these often work well.
This one has a solid reputation:
This is a wonderful article! I have recently been reading a lot about mattresses with metal coils in them and how EMF exposure is higher with these mattresses compared to mattresses without metal coils. There are recent, eye opening studies on this and it has caused me to throw out my old mattress with metal coils. I also read studies on the toxic chemicals found in most mattresses – such as memory foam and hybrid mattresses with coils. This is what is in 75% of the stores today. I wish people were more informed on this topic. I am now looking to buy an organic latex mattress this weekend. They are hard to find in stores but a few of the top manufacturers sell online directly to their customers. PlushBeds was at the top of my list and now that I see you like your PlushBeds organic latex mattress, I’m ready to buy the same mattress. Thank you for sharing this wonderful article and all of the incredible articles on your website. You save many lives with your healthy information and guidance.
I appreciate your encouragement, Marie!
Thank you so much, Andrea, for learning and sharing this information! I would also love to read the Lightbulbs 101 information, but the link is not working for me.🙂
Hi! I appreciate your articles very much, and this one is something that I have been thinking about a lot lately. Due to health reasons , my husband and I purchased adjustable bed frames, twin XL, that use Bluetooth remotes. I have been concerned about the necessity of them being plugged in to use, and it is a metal frame. I was wondering whether putting some of the grounding fabric on top of the mattresses, under the sheets, would help reduce some of the EMF? I also wondered about making pillowcases to put inside our normal linens to guard our heads? I have appreciated and followed your council on the other items in our room. Thank you for being so thorough! … and thank you for your reply!
Hello, Andrea! I sure appreciate the information in this article!
Your comments about metal bed frames really got me to thinking. Due to health reasons, my husband and I purchased new twin XL (acts like a king) mattresses with the electric adjustable foundations. There are a lot of reasons why we really appreciate this new setup. However, we are having a difficult time sleeping through the night. Don’t know if it is EMF exposure? You mentioned in your article something about shielding fabric. What are your thoughts about play sing some of this on top of our mattresses (under the sherts) and perhaps making pillow covers (for under the pillow cases) out of it? We would still be able to use the adjustable functions but would be shielded. … … also, since there is electrical cording beneath the headboard, would it be effective to put the cord on a timer? We could use the adjustable functions, etc., early in the evening but it would reduce the EMF exposure later as we slept?
Thank you for sharing your experience and expertise with us!!!
I always recommend getting your own meter to be able to observe this as you make changes. I’m honestly not sure on this. I would call the people at They would know what to recommend. Good job making this connection!