The best hair conditioners restore your hair’s pH to its optimal level of approximately 5.6, which is on the acidic side of the scale. Chemical conditioners may accomplish this, but at what cost to your scalp and overall health?
Since moving to a shampoo-less regimen using rhassoul clay, I have not needed a conditioner. But when any shampoo is used, even natural shampoo, it’s best to follow up with an acidic rinse to restore the hair’s slightly acidic pH of 5.6. It also helps prevent soap build-up. Fortunately, there are safe, simple and affordable options.
3 Natural Hair Conditioners
1. Apple cider vinegar
This is the simplest and most popular natural solution. For best results, use raw apple cider vinegar. Dilute 1-3 tablespoons raw apple cider vinegar in 1 cup water and store in a glass jar or squeeze bottle. Apply the mixture to clean, wet hair. Rinse thoroughly.
2. Coffee grounds
Coffee grounds are acidic, making them the ideal candidate for restoring the pH of our hair after shampooing. Apply several tablespoons of left-over coffee grounds to the head. Massage into scalp. Like all natural conditioners, be sure to rinse thoroughly.
3. Lemon juice
Lemon juice is acidic and offers the extra benefit of lightening the hair. Squeeze fresh lemon into a jar and apply. Alternatively, boil 1-2 lemons in 1/2 cup water and strain. Apply liberally and rinse. (Store remaining lemon juice in the refrigerator for optimal storage.)
These conditioners work great with this Rosemary Rhassoul Shampoo Bar found at Just So Natural Products.
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