Bring the outdoors in with this simple DIY reed diffuser. Repurpose a glass mason jar, choose your favorite essential oil, and let the natural scent emanate throughout your office, living room, or bathroom!
DIY Reed Diffuser
1 8-ounce canning jar. (A wide-mouth or regular size jar will work.)
4 ounces carrier oil. (I use fractionated coconut oil. Other possible oils include sweet almond oil, coconut oil, or avocado oil.)
75-100 drops essential oil.
10 thin bamboo skewers.
1 teaspoon vodka.
1 mason jar lid with a 1-inch hole. * (I like these.)
* You can make your own hole by drilling into the lid, smoothing off the edges with a sharp knife, and adding the appropriate size rubber grommet.
Another option is an arch punch. Hammer the arch punch into the lid and smooth out the edges, then add the rubber grommet.
Find a 1 inch arch punch here.
Cut off the pointy ends of the bamboo skewers. Each skewer should be approximately two times the height of the jar. (I take off about two inches of the skewer.)
Pour 4 ounces carrier oil into the mason jar.
Add 45-60 drops of selected essential oil(s). I love citrus, but other options include pine, clove, lavender, or rose geranium.
Stir in 1 teaspoon of vodka. The alcohol helps the oils wick up the stick.
Dip the skewers into the oil. Remove the skewers and place the lid on the jar. (Or put the lid on first, whichever is easier.)
Flip the skewers so that the dipped end is up.
Place in desired location.
When you notice the scent starting to fade, flip the skewers again.
For more DIY ideas, see Five DIY Household Hacks.
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Hello Andrea,
I’m trying to create this diffuser with fractionated coconut oil, but it doesn’t work. The scent isn’t able to get up into the air. I think, the coconut oil us too thick. But i don’t want to use any other oil because of the colour. I have also tried several skewers…. do you have any idea, why it doesn’t work in my case?
Thanks a lot!
I would try a rattan diffuser like this one:
The oil isn’t wicking up through the sticks. In the instructions, she said to dip one end of the sticks into the oil (and maybe let sit for 5 or 10 minutes?), then pull it out, flip and put the non-dipped ends into the oil. Then when the scent fades, flip the sticks again.