Pet owners will do well to observe the behaviors and health of their pets as they assess the health of their home. What can we learn about pets and the environment? The link between environmental exposures and animal health is not new. More than a hundred years ago, miners took caged canaries into the coal mines…
Type 1 Diabetes and Toxic Mold
Can toxic mold cause type 1 diabetes? While potential triggers vary, research suggests that environment plays a critical role in the onset of autoimmune disease. (See Environment, Not Genes, Dictates Human Immune Variation, Study Finds.) As a mom of a son with type 1 diabetes, I am convinced our encounter with toxic mold contributed to…
Toxic Mold Illness Studies
Can exposure to toxic mold cause health issues? Is there a link between water-damaged buildings and neurological dysfunction, sinus and respiratory problems, and other chronic health conditions? When seeking medical treatment, many mold-exposed individuals are met with skepticism by physicians. Family members or loved ones may dismiss the connection. The document linked below offers a…
The BabySafe Project
Scientists, physicians and educators have come together to urge pregnant women to limit their exposure to wireless radiation. The BabySafe Project is a joint initiative with the sole purpose of informing pregnant women of the risks associated with wireless technology. The statement signed by more than 70 scholars, physicians, cancer specialists and environmental health experts…
Chlorinated Paraffins in Hand Blenders
As much as possible I try to avoid chemicals in my food. I buy organic, veer away from GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms), and try to avoid plastic packaging. I never considered my stick blender as a possible source of chemical exposure until now. A study released October 23, 2014 suggests that some hand blenders leak…
10 Ways to Detox Your Home
What can we do to make our home a safe refuge? How can we ensure access to clean air and clean water? 10 Ways to Detox Your Home 1. Become aware. Don’t be afraid of information. While it can be overwhelming, knowledge is empowering. Dr. J. H. Tilden said, “Knowledge is power. Knowledge of how…