Does Wi-Fi belong in school? What are the health risks of Wi-Fi in schools? What can concerned parents do? Wireless technology permeates society. It’s in our coffee shops, offices, homes, and schools. But does Wi-Fi come with a cost? Experts around the world say it does. More than 20 countries have taken a precautionary approach…
Are Tablets Safe for Your Child?
Do you let your child use an iPad instead of a cell phone with the understanding that tablets are a better choice? Are you confused about the conflicting information regarding wireless technology? Wondering if there is a better way to integrate tablets into your household? Parents understandably love the interactive nature of tablets as well…
EHS and MCS – Are They Real Diseases?
Public health experts are asking the World Health Organization to acknowledge electrohypersensitivity (EHS) and multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) as real diseases. The Fifth Paris Appeal Conference Are multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and electrohypersensitivity (EHS) real conditions? A group of leading scientists and public health experts contends these conditions are not only real; they are escalating rapidly….
From Wireless to Wired – Our Family’s Journey
After learning about the hazards of wireless radiation our family has transitioned from a wireless to a wired home environment. It was a painful process but well worth the effort! The wireless revolution has come upon us quickly. We now have more mobile-connected devices than people! (See Cisco Visual Networking Index.) However, this level of unnatural radiation…