As a certified Building Biology Advocate, I am often asked “What is Building Biology?” The answer is simple, but often ignored when designing our homes, offices, and schools. What is Building Biology? Building Biology is the study of the impact of the indoor environment on our health. Building Biology comes from the German term Bau-Biologie…
Wi-Fi in Schools
Does Wi-Fi belong in school? What are the health risks of Wi-Fi in schools? What can concerned parents do? Wireless technology permeates society. It’s in our coffee shops, offices, homes, and schools. But does Wi-Fi come with a cost? Experts around the world say it does. More than 20 countries have taken a precautionary approach…
Air Quality in the Classroom
Are you a teacher, parent, or administrator? The classroom is often overlooked when it comes to indoor air quality. Join the movement and embrace these suggestions for improving health in your classroom! The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is acutely aware of the hazards of poor indoor air quality, noting that children are especially vulnerable. The…
EHS and MCS – Are They Real Diseases?
Public health experts are asking the World Health Organization to acknowledge electrohypersensitivity (EHS) and multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) as real diseases. The Fifth Paris Appeal Conference Are multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and electrohypersensitivity (EHS) real conditions? A group of leading scientists and public health experts contends these conditions are not only real; they are escalating rapidly….